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#imagine your crying as Niall holds you in his arms, a tear runs down your face but Niall wipes it away "Dont cry, im here for you" he hugs you protecting you from harm...

#imagine laying in the snow with Niall talking about love, Niall rolls over and gives you a passionate kiss...

#imagine sitting on the couch with our little girl abd Niall. She has fallen asleep on his lap. You and Niall look at each other happy with your family...

#imagine Niall is on tour and he texts you ever day...

#imagine being at a party with Niall and all the girls being jellous of you because your with Niall...

#imagine trying to stay wake while at the movies but you fall asleep with your head on Nialls shoulder. he lets you sleep through the rest of the movie knowingbthat you are to tired to watch....

#imagine Niall dedicating little things to you at a concert...

#imagine talking to Niall over the phone and he starts saying how much he misses you and wishes he was with you...

#imagine you and Niall taking you son to the park abd Niall plays with him on the swings...

#imagine Niall telling you that he thinks of you every minute of the day...

#imagine Harry teasing Niall for talking about you in his sleep. you blush...

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