Denki x Male reader

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Setting: Your closet
Plot: You were playong 7 minutes in heaven with the bakusquad and the dekusquad and you and denki were locked in the closet for more than 7 minutes and things got steamy.
*yn's pov* In my dorm
Yn: Im bored.
Mina: Me too
Ururaka: What should we do?
I pull put my phone and text my boyfriend of three years
☆☆☆☆☆⚡️MY DUMBASS💛☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
My dumbass
                                                       Are you busy?
My dumbass
No, why?
                                                                  Im bored
My dumbass
Aren't you hanging
out with the girls?
                                                    yeah but we ran
                                                    out of stuff to
                                                    talk about.
My dumbass
How about I bring
the guys over there
and we can hang out
                                                        thats perfect
                                                     thank you i love
My dumbass
Love you too 💛
*Denki's Pov* In my room.
Denki: Hey how would you guys like to go to yn's dorm and hang out with then because theyre bored.
Mineta: When do I say "no" to hanging out with girls. Im drooling just thinking about all the things we could do together with the girls and yn. Especially yn.
Denki: Hey stay away from yn hes mine.
Mineta: Hes so hot and you some how managed to pull him off tell me your secret.
Denki: I was a gentleman.
Mineta: Yeah right like that would work.
Kirishima: It does why do you think Mina and I are together.
Mineta: Because she thinks youre hot?
Denki: Lets just go I miss my sunshine nugget.
Bakugou: When do you not. You cling to him like if you let him go he'll leave you. I wouldnt be surprised if he did.
Deku: Kacchan!
Kirishima: Bakubro!
A few hours later. We're in yn's dorm and its my turn to spin the bottle to see who I have to go into his closet with.
Denki:(Please be yn)
Jiro:(Please be me)
Yn:(please be me)
The bottle lands between Jiro and yn.
Mina: Well since the bottle landed between Jiro and yn, you two are going to have to play rock, paper, scissors to see who goes into the closet with Denki. Denki, you go in first and the winner will be in shortly.
Im waiting for what feels like hours until someone walks in.
Denki: Yn?
Yn: Are you happy that its me?
Denki: Very.
Yn comes over to me and sits on my lap stratling me.
Yn: how about you show me how happy you its me?
Denki: Gladly.
Yn: Strip.
I pull of my shirt. Yn gets off my lap so I can take off my pants and boxers. Once Im completely naked, I start taking off yn's clothes for him. Once I get him naked, I pull him back into my lap and wait for his next command. *yn's pov*
Yn: That was fast.
Denki: What can I say I really want to fuck my man.
I open my mouth to say something when out of no where Denki shoves all 8 inches into me, making me let out a loud moan.
Denki: God damnit you sound so fucking good.
Yn: Fuck, I cant hold back I need to move it feels to fucking good to stop
I start bouncing up and down on Denki's cock getting the friction that I craved. With everyone else
Mineta: What do you think theyre doing in there?
Bakugou: Probably fucking
Shoto: Whats that?
Deku: Uh well its when two people really like each other and...
Bakugou: Its when a guy takes his dick and fucks his guys bussy or his girls pussy until they both orgasm
Shoto: Do all guys fuck?
Bakugou: Yeah pretty much.
Shoto: Even Mineta?
Bakugou: Except for Mineta. He rapells both guys and girls
Mineta: I dont rapell the ladies or the guys.
Mina: You literally do. Youre just a pervert.
Tsu: Yeah you even groped me at yn's birthday party
All of a sudden the door opens to show a tired angry Aizawa.
Aizawa: What are you girls doing in my favorite students room?
Iida: Mr. Aizawa it is inmoral to openly tell your students you have a favorite student.
Bakugou: Glasses youre just mad that youre not the favorite
Aizawa: Wait, where's Denki?
Yn:{muffled} Fuck Denki harder!
Aizawa: Nevermind. Okay everyone out let those 2 fuck in peace.
Mina: Its been more than 7 minutes they have to come out of the...
The closet door opens to show yn who looks put together and calm and Denki who looks like hes been to heaven.
Yn: Dad, what are you doing here?
Aizawa: I came to see if you needed more snacks but I see you had a very filling snack. Also Ashido, Asui, Yaoyurozui, Ururaka, and Jirou you all have detention after class tomorrow. Now everybody out let my favorite student get some sleep hes probably tired.
Denki: Bye Sunshine Nugget I love you
Yn: I love you too my dumbass
I will be remaking the other ones as well so that people who are male and female can enjoy them please don't hesitate to ask me to change any of my oneshots or stories into a x male reader I'll more than happy to. I will also be posting more chapters of Mystery Songer and I have changed it to x POC Reader because I think it would be better that way if I have any other stories that have an oc and you want it to be an x reader please don't hesitate to ask me to change it. Please enjoy! And thanking sooooooooo much to everyone who has been voting, commenting, and requesting for these oneshots I will try to keep updating these and replying to your comments when I find the time.

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