Chapter 3 - Perfect Girl

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You're such a strange girl

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You're such a strange girl

I think you come from another world

You're such a strange girl

I really don't understand a word

You're such a strange girl

I'd like to shake you around and around


"What is that thing?" The Sheriff asked, looking down at the ugly cat content in Stiles' arms, who glared at him defensively, shifting Void closer to herself.

"His name is Void." The cat made a noise and her hand automatically moved up to play with his twitching ears, cooing at the cat adorably before smiling widely at the man, who was pinching the bridge of his nose with an exasperated sigh. "Meet your grandson! Void Mieczyslaw Stilinski. Say hi to grandpa, baby."

She shifted the cat to have him facing the older man, who remained looking unimpressed, actually making a face when he was able to actually get a look at Void while she raised one of his paws to make him wave.

"What's wrong with it?" She worked hard not to snicker at his twisted face, gasping and pulling Void back.

"There's nothing wrong with him!"

"Where is it looking at? It looks like it hit its face on a wall. Repeatedly."

"Well, I think he looks very distinguished, thank you very much! His eyes give him, um, charm." The cat squirmed in her arms, and Stiles held no qualms in leaning down to smooch his head. "Don't listen to your grandfather, Void. He just didn't know about you, you were a happy surprise, but he'll come around."

"No, he won't!"

"He just needs some time to love you."

"Don't tell him that, that's a lie, you're deceiving him." She smiled winningly at him, trying to use the puppy-eyes she'd dealt with the whole day from Scott and nearly snorting with how fast the man folded, sighing loudly and rolling his eyes. "Fine, but you're going to clean the litter box and buy everything he needs and pay for the vet visits."

"No need, Deaton gave me some things since I helped them today." She bobbed her head, finally putting the cat down and grinning at how he looked around disinterestedly before immediately strutting to the Sheriff with his funny gait, who tried stepping back and over him to avoid the dark cat, but ended up just groaning when Void rubbed himself on his legs with a loud purr. "Hey, see? He loves you already!"

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