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Deena's P.O.V.

"Wow! I am soooo full." I leaned my back onto the chair.

Tine giggled at the sight of me rubbing my stomach.

"You finished all the food, of course, you'll be full!" She blurted out.

"Well, Miss, if you were cooking for me very often, I wouldn't behave as how I behaved earlier." 

We both laughed at that.

Tine stood up and headed to the kitchen, when she came back, she was carrying two tea mugs.

"I think I'm gonna fall asleep right here." I told her as I sipped through my tea.

"Have a sleepover, Dee. It's been a long time since we've done that." 

I was stunned by what she suggested.

Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping in a bed with Tine in it. It's just that, it was too hard. I mean, with the feelings I have for her, it was hard not to feel things when she was asking for me to hug her. Kristine is a cuddly sleeper, I don't know if she was like that to all her friends or just me.

"Dee?" Her voice pulled me from my trance.


"I said, sleep here. We can watch a movie in the bedroom, did I tell you I have a TV there installed?"

"Yeah, you mentioned it last week."

When she started gathering the plates, I did the same.

"So, did Sabrina bother you before coming here?" She was washing the dishes while I wiped the clean ones.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, if I know her well, she would go to you and ask again about her plan for tonight." 

I looked at her dumbfoundedly.

"So, what did she say?" She continued.

"How do you do that, Tine? Like really? Are you a wizard or a witch?" 

I was startled when she sprinkled water on my face, I had to blink multiple times as the water went to my eyes.

"Witch? I am too pretty to be a witch, excuse me!" She exclaimed.

"But seriously? You know, it scares me knowing that you know everything about me, even if I don't tell them or say it to you!"

When she handed me the last plate, she spoke.

"You are too transparent, Dee, so predictable. And I don't know, maybe because I've known you so long, I know exactly how you think. I could read your facial expressions, I could tell literally if you were lying or not. And if something was bothering you. Like tonight..." 

Tine leaned her back to her kitchen counter facing me.

"Even if you masked it with a smile or a laugh, I know something was off about you when you greeted me in the kitchen, so what did she tell you?"

"Nothing..." I leaned my back as well beside her. "... Nothing worth thinking of." I decided to lie.

"Okay, suit yourself." To my surprise, Tine let go of the conversation.

"I wanna go shower, I'll prepare you fresh clothes, you can use the other bathroom." And she left.

How can I tell her what Sabrina said? 

That, what scares me the most is if I tell her then she'd agree with it? She'd tell me to move on or maybe forget about her.

I mean we're friends, I can't do that. And knowing Tine, she'd sacrifice that just so I could move on.

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