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I can't sleep.

I glance at the time on my phone for the millionth time and chew on my lip.

This isn't like my brother. He's never late.

I try to call him again, but it goes straight to voicemail.


I pace the living room floor and stare at the window as I do, praying I see Leon's headlights soon.

Leon said he was only going for a few drinks for Ron's leaving party; but that was hours ago. Plus, Ron is ancient. He won't still be out drinking at one in the morning.

I close my eyes and try calling him once more, vowing that if he doesn't answer, I'm going to call the bars in town.

My heart stumbles at the familiar voicemail greeting and I press my lips together, googling the number for the first bar I can think of.

Just as I'm about to call, headlights flood the living room, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Oh, thank God!"

I hurry to the door, fully prepared to give Leon a piece of my mind when I see a bulky figure reaching into the backseat of the car.

What the hell?

Leon is big, but he's not that big.

I watch as the stranger lifts something into his arms with ease before slamming the door behind him.

The thing in his arms is singing.

It's not a thing.


"Come on, Leon. Let's get you home."

"Leon?!" I watch as the hulk of a man carries my brother to the door with ease, the moonlight spilling onto his face as he does.

Eyes the color of honey stare back at me from behind thick, dark lashes. His skin is flawless and as he concentrates on getting my brother to his feet, I watch his chiseled jaw tick, his eyes flickering up to mine briefly before he says, "A little help here?"


"Not very helpful," the man mutters, half carrying Leon into the house.

I blink.

"Excuse me?"

Who the hell is this man and why is he being so rude to me?

"No, I won't. I'm tired and I need to leave. Can you handle him from here?"

He drops Leon onto the couch and I can't help but gaze at the biceps peeking out from beneath his thin white t-shirt. His skin doesn't even have goosebumps.

"Yes," I say when he turns his pissed glare to me. "Uh, thank you for bringing him home."

The man rises to his full height before running a hand through his damp hair.

I can't stop staring, and I need to, because this guy may have brought my brother home, but he's an asshole.

"I didn't have much choice. Tell him he owes me," he rasps, staring down at me.

His eyes seem to blaze into my soul, and I cover my chest like it's going to stop him from seeing...whatever it is that he's seeing.


"Again, thank you," I repeat, pressing my lips together.

He nods, and I marvel at how wide he is.

I've never seen anyone so broad. He must work out a lot.

Like, every minute of every day, because my brother is far from light.

"Lock the door behind me," the hulk of a man says before leaving.

I frown, wondering who died and made him king.

"Whatever, asshole," I mutter, shutting the door tight behind him. It's barely seconds before it booms open again, and he's back.

"What did you call me?"

He looms over me, staring at me like I'm a worm on a hook. His eyes seem to shimmer in the light, and I open and close my mouth, unable to find words.

"Go on, say it again."

His words send a shiver down my spine but I straighten my shoulders and gaze at him coolly.

"I called you an asshole, because you have behaved like one. Thank you for bringing my brother home, but I'd like you to leave now."

His eyes widen and his breathing intensifies before a deep chuckle leaves his chest.

"You're either stupid or brave." He studies me before moving backward. "I'll go with the former."

With that, he disappears into the night.

Due to plagiarism my stories are now sample only. I'm so sorry. You can find them on my subscription site, link in my bio.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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