chapter 69

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Elsa woke up early the next day. She was not going to work that day so she had the entire day free.

She wanted to first get a job at the psychiatric center before resigning her job.

Elsa had finished her job application letter and was ready to take it to the hospital.

Elsa made sure to keep her prescription drugs close.

Because just like how doctor Johnson said, Elsa had a very bad headache in the morning. And it did wake her up from her sleep at 3 am in the morning. And it kept her up until sunrise.

She had her water and pills on her nightstand and after she took her drugs, she put her head on the pillow and stayed still as she waited for the pain to pass.

The headache, or pressure in the head that is worse in the morning. It hurt so much and Elsa had no choice but to take it.

She was told these headaches will happen more often and get more.

After Elsa got ready for the day, she got out of her room and started walking away quickly.

She was lucky her face was no longer swollen. But, she did have bruises on her stomach and it did hurt a little.

Elsa spotted Jeremy in the dining room having his breakfast carefree and alone. Elsa just turned and looked away as she kept walking out of the house.

"My Grandpa's 80th birthday is next weekend. And you are coming with me." He said to her without looking at her.

This made Elsa halt her steps and look at him with interest. But, she didn't say anything. She just let out a deep sigh and kept walking away.

She took a cab to the mental hospital and submitted her application for a job there.

She hoped she could get the job so she could at least start to uncover something.

She then drove to the bus station. She cut a ticket to her grandma's town. It wasn't that far from the city, just an hour and a half.

She sat in the bus as she quietly stared at the window.

There was a woman seated opposite her with a young toddler in her arms. Elsa had not paid any attention to them at first until she noticed the toddler was staring at her.

And she had been staring at her for quite some time.

Elsa turned her eyes and looked at her. The little girl had pretty hair styled in two ponytails and big round eyes that looked so innocent and angelic.

Elsa smiled at her sweetly and the moment the girl saw her smile, her eyes got wider.

"You are beautiful." She suddenly said and then smiled in a blushing kind of way. Her full cheeks turning pink.

Elsa looked at her surprised. She chuckled whole-heartedly. She then leaned in a little to her. "Thank you little miss. You're beautiful too."

The mother laughed sweetly and then said to Elsa, "She loves your eyes. And your dimples." She said as if to explain why her daughter was so infatuated with Elsa.

Elsa smiled wider and felt her heart getting warm. She talked to the mother some more asking if the town was her home and asking the little girl's name.

Her name was Yuliana.

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