t h i r t y - n i n e

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haven't updated in a while so decided to give you all a very Lando and Cecilia filled chapter!


A knocking on the front door brought me out of the trance criminal minds had put me in, my attention turning to the sound in a matter of seconds. With a slight hesitance and confusion, I pulled myself off of the comfort of the sofa, my mind racing with idea of who could be waiting for me at the other side, criminal minds not helping with the sudden paranoia. Everyone else was outside, hanging around for a pool day before we popped out for dinner, their screams as they played a random game they had made up being heard from ages away. 

"Oh hey." I said, my eyes meeting with Lando's. He gave me a small wave and smile, offering a small plastic bag. 

"Got this for you, just thought I would deliver it." He said, walking in as I moved aide ushering him inside and into the kitchen. 

"Thank you!" I exclaimed once we had made it, taking the bag from his hand, not having a chance to go through it before Adelina was in the kitchen, goggles on top of her messily thrown up ponytail.

"Lando!" She slightly screamed, obviously not adjusted to lowering her voice after hours of having to shout over Tessa's playlist. She wrapped him in a side hug, soaking his grey shirt making me cringe.

"Oh sorry about that. We are having a pool day." Her head was nodding as she spoke.

"I can tell." Lando replied, leaning onto the counter finally giving me chance to reach into the bag. I couldn't help but squeal the second my hand exited the bag, the sight of one of the bracelets I had been looking at on the first day overwhelming me with excitement. 

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." I was bouncing off the walls with happiness, my hands wrapping around him in a hug that he happily accepted.

"PDA no thank you." Marcus shook his head in fake disappointment, Quinn's giggling figure following suite. The sound of Lina slapping him echoed throughout the room causing a loud scream to erupt from Marcus. 

"I underestimated my strength sorry." It was Lina's turn to cringe at her own actions. 

"The fuck was that?" Tessa said, entering the room, her bikini cover up flowing slightly as the wind followed her into the room. 

"Adelina just slapped me!" Marcus shouted, causing Lando to cast me a shocked look to which I just shrugged at, confused at my groups antics as well.

"Oh Lando! You should invite your friends, we could have a pool day!" Lina's mind was already off of the previous subject and onto the next. 

"I'm sure you guys would just rather spend time with each other. Thanks for the offer though." He waved his hand at them, declining Adelina's offer as politely as possible.

"Attendance just became mandatory." She stroked her chlorine soaked hair back, wincing slightly as she tugged the goggles off her head.

"Come on it will be fun." I back Lina up.

"It will be cool to spend time with someone other than this lot." Quinn added, shaking her head. Marcus decided not to speak, instead focusing on putting ice on his red slap-mark covered arm. Lina noticed his action and started apologising profusely, landing on holding the icepack for him as her 'sincerest apology'.

"I'll run back then and grab my swimsuit then." Lando nodded, glancing at me slightly, a hint of fear in his eyes. 

"You get to see Lando shirtless." Quinn whispered into my ear once he was out of earshot. It was now her turn to get slapped. 

"Look what the cat dragged in." Tessa announced earning a cheer from Marcus and Marcus only, causing him to go immediately silent and for everyone to erupt into a fit of laughs. 

We had all prepped for their appearance, Quinn and Tessa dealing with the alcohol, Marcus dealing with the slap mark, Lina going up to quickly fix her appearance and me to do whatever I could. 

"Thanks for the invite." Pierre said, collapsing underneath the gazebo near me. 

"No problem." I responded with a smile, taking a sip of my ice water. 

"I hate you." Daniel stated, pointing at me accusingly as he stood in the sun, his slightly burnt shoulders glistening. 

"And whys that?" I asked.

"That show you recommended, I haven't slept since." He said with raised eyebrows.

"He's just a baby." Lando slapped him right on the shoulder causing Daniel to wince out in pain as he made his way to sit next to me. 

"Slept like one too." Heidi slightly shouted, uncovering Daniel's lies as she sunbathed. 

"Betrayal. Complete betrayal." He shook his head as he made his way over to the pool, his body hanging slightly in false sadness. 

Everyone began to find their positions. Most of the girls were in the pool however Tessa and Heidi were both on the sunlounges, indulged in a conversation. Adelina and Charles were sat with their feet in the pool talking. Carlos and Max had been offered a full on tour of the property by Marcus. Lando, Pierre and I were under the gazebo, them drinking their beers and talking about something golfy. 

"How did you even find the show?" Daniel hadn't given up on the criminal minds conversation, even from his relaxing float on the pool. 

"I just saw it on prime and decided to watch it." I replied with a shrug, Lando whispering an 'ignore him' into my ear.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Pierre asked, fixing his once led down position so he could sit up. 

"George added her instead of me to a group chat." Max said for me, sitting across from all of us, Carlos joining his and Marcus going to grab a beer.

"That's fate." Carlos mumbled under his breath, his eyes meeting with Lando who slightly shuffled away from me. 

"We have enough alcohol to get an elephant drunk." Marcus saved Lando and I from the covered up accusations that were being thrown at us with his false fact.

"Elephants are actually very easy to get drunk so it's more like a gorilla." I corrected him to which he just rolled his eyes.

"Why do you know that?" Max asked causing Marcus to slip downwards in his seat. Normally I would go into a very large explanation but I decided to tone it down today. 

"Got bored one day." I leaned backwards into my seat, the heat being too much for me today despite not even being close to the sun. 

"And you decided to research what animal got drunk easiest?" Lando questioned, pushing me into a deeper explanation. 

"Well I'm not sure if that fact is true because once I did more research on it, everyones opinion was different but bohemian waxwing birds can get so drunk they have to go to rehab." I announced causing another round of questioning that lasted for a long while

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