Chapter Twenty

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Aaliya was fucking killing it out there

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Aaliya was fucking killing it out there. I don't know why she lacked confidence in herself when she was so good. She was currently schmoozing up a potential client, no doubt, telling them the pitch we'd gone over earlier. The best thing about these type of conventions was that not only did we get to upskill our knowledge of the industry, but we also got the opportunity to socialise and pick up new client that needed any sort of accounting services because let's be honest...all of us that worked in finance were shit at marketing when it came to it.

There was still half an hour left until it was time for the guest speaker to address the crowd - me being one of them - and I could see that she was making the most of it. I, myself, was stuck talking to - or at least pretending to - the gentleman beside me. Apparently, he was looking to invest in cryptocurrency despite me telling him several times that that was not what our firm catered to. We only provided general accounting and financial services. He would have to consult a lawyer or an accountant specialising in crypto for that.

"Would you excuse me for a second, sir?" I interrupted his spiel as my eyes locked onto Aaliya's, her discomfort visible from all the way across the room.

"Why, of course -

I was up and walking towards the other end before he'd even finished his sentence, thrusting my hand towards the sleazy man who was not so subtly checking out my Finance Director.

"Neil Miller. CEO of Dellite Inc." I introduced, wedging myself between them. "I see you've already had the pleasure of acquainting yourself with my Head of Finance."

"Yes, yes." He muttered, trying to peek over my shoulders at her. "If you don't mind, she was actually telling me -

"Actually, I wasn't." Came Aaliya's hard voice from behind me as she stepped forward. "This finance bro," she stressed the word. "was harassing me despite me telling him that I wasn't interested."

My temper flared despite me usually being a patient man in normal circumstances - though this was the furthest thing from normal - as I took an intimidating step forward.

"Do you not understand the meaning of no," I glanced at his name tag hanging around his neck. "Joshua? Or do you want me to make it clearer for you? Better yet, should I call security and let them know that you were harassing one of my employees and let them escort you out in front of everybody?"

"S-sorry." He muttered, his tail tucked between his legs as he stumbled backwards.

"If I catch you even looking at her again, I'll do worse than threaten you and trust me, I can and will." I muttered in a low voice, jerking my head for him to leave before I did it myself.

Like the limp dicked idiot he was, he practically sprinted away from us, disappearing into the crowd.

"Thanks." Aaliya breathed from beside me, her relief evident in her voice.

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