33. all i could do then was stare at the floor

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imessage and narrative

december 9, 2022: iowa city, iowa

sunshine <3

love <3
baby can you please talk to me
love <3
can we talk this out please??
love <3
this isn't something that
will work itself out
love <3
kate please.

claire johnston

freya r
we need to talk
freya r
and i would appreciate if
you stopped ignoring my texts
about this.

claire johnston
to what do i owe the pleasure

freya r
no need to act like more of a bitch
freya r
call me.

incoming call from
"claire johnston"

accept    decline

"Hello, Freya," Claire says, acting all formal and shit. Kate still hadn't texted me back or talked to me at all. My anxiety had reached an all time high. The medication I've been on for a year and a half isn't even helping.

I roll my eyes, "Take your fucking tweet down," I demand, leaving no room for kindness. I didn't have an ounce of that in my body for her.

She lets out a soft laugh that somehow manages to make me angrier at her, "And why should I do that, babe?"

I scoff softly, "Don't fucking call me that. You outed someone and you fucking lied. Somehow you seem proud of it."

"I don't see a problem with my tweet, just twisted what happened and the Caitlin thing was just fun to add."

I shake my head even though she can't see me, "Do you realize that my girlfriend won't even talk to me?"

"Boohoo?" she says, letting out another laugh. God, I want to strangle her.

"You're horrible," I spit at her. Her chuckle fills my ears as frustrated tears fill my eyes, "Are you still mad that you fucked around with some guy and I didn't let you get away with it? Well, I'm not fucking sorry, if that's what you're looking for.

"It's one thing to cheat on someone, it's another to fuck with their relationship they have after you," I tell her, wiping at a tear that's fallen onto my cheek.

Claire sighs over the phone, "I told you she didn't love you."

"Stop with that shit!" I yell, finally not giving a shit about trying to keep my voice down, "You don't know her. Fuck— you barely know me anymore.

"Just stop being a bitch and fucking with people's lives. I have never met someone as entitled as you," I say.

She scoffs this time, "Says the one with the famous daddy."

"When do I go parading my fucking dad around? Never," I say, shaking my head again, "You and your boyfriend will never learn that your actions have consequences."

Claire sighs, "Don't bring him into this."

"Don't spread lies about someone cheating on you when you did that shit," I state.

The call ends and I place my phone on the counter. She fucking hung up on me. I rest my elbows on the counter, pressing the heel of my palms to my eyes.

After Claire, I never trusted relationships. Even before her, I was a little apprehensive. Everything with Kate was different. It all felt so different. Maybe I'm not meant to have a relationship.

authors note
they make up soon dw

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now