Chapter 9

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Allen knew that she had taken pics of him as he couldn't stop himself from taking glances at her, but he didn't mind that. She was his and she could take however many pics she wanted to. In fact, his heart danced with joy, picturing that she would be getting closer to him in no time. In his mind, he had already started gathering thoughts of how he was going to propose to her and what he'd name his children.

"So, how do you think it looks like?" he gestured towards Jenna, who was sitting on the sofa lost in the picture she just took. She was caught off-guard when she heard him, making her stutter and say "n..nice." To that, Allen raised an eyebrow and thought to himself, "Just, nice?!". So, he went on to try other suits until he got a satisfied answer from Jade. "How about this?" he said, looking at the mirror. "Hmm... good!" she replied after scanning him from top to bottom. Jade was having fun playing with him the "suit-game." After all, he should have a taste of karma. I mean!...

After they were done, Allen gestured the cashier to pack and arrange the clothes for tomorrow.

*The Next Day*

After giving it a thought last night, I had told Sav about my situation as I wanted a bridesmaid too 'cause who's gonna walk me down the aisle then?. Luckily, she didn't overreact.

"Hurry up Sav, we'll be late if you keep on doing more of this nonsense on my face!"

"I know, but you don't want to end up looking plain in your wedding! unless you want to regret later"

"Babes, I told u its just contractual, ain't real"

"That's what they always say first and end up falling for the guy" her eyes roled

"Says who?" I gestured a questionnaire with my face

"The novels, who else?"

"Sav! Be realistic at least. You know this ain't some novel shit going on right?"

After a 10 minute ordeal of bickering, she finally finished preparing me. I was dressed in a long white gown with a veil touching my waist. Flowers decorated my hair that were tied in a bun. Sav had done a good job with my makeup too! Allen was to send a hairdresser makeup artist and everything but I had denied him and threatened him to involve his mother if he continues.

She walked me down the Aisle as Allen's parents looked at me in astonishment as if I were some kind of Greek goddess.

Allen stared at me in an awe like we were some old couple getting remarried.

"you look good" Allen whispered in my ear

"I know. no one asked for you're compliment" I rolled my eyes

He stayed mute acting like I didn't say anything at all.

"We'll talk about this after the wedding. and stop acting rude and careless, they shouldn't take a hint on our fakeness especially grandma she is very observant."

Just then, the priest walked towards us and announced the start of the wedding vows.

We faced towards each other for the vows

"Do you Allen promise to have and to hold Jade forever?"

"I do"
"Do you Jenna promise to have and to hold Allen forever?"

reluctantly I said "I do"
'Do you Allen promise to be with Jade whether rich or poor?"

"I do"

"Do you Jenna promise to be with Allen in sickness and health?"

"I do"

" Do you Allen promise to love and cherish Jade till death do you apart?
"I do"

"Today marks the official union of you both as husband and wife."

'yeah, fake ones' I added

As those words were spoken, I took a deep breath, letting go as our family members erupted into applause.

"The groom and the bride can now kiss"

I looked at Allen stunned! He then pulled me and twisted in a way that looked like we actually kissed when we just closely stared at each other as his palpitations went high that could be audible to my ears. At least my decision was not bad I talked to myself. I actually thought he'd force me into a kiss. "Don't worry rosy, I'll taste you with your permission" he whispered as cheers from behind could be heard.

We then walked towards Allen's grandma.

"you both are such a beautiful couple, may God bless you" she said in such a humble and sweet tone

"thankyou" I smiled back

"Allen, take good care of her. Jenna, my daughter, remember, if he ever mistreats you, come to me. I'll make sure he learns his lesson." She side eyed Allen

I chuckled at that at her cuteness. She seems so sweet. unlike him. in fact, most his family members which were his mom and grandma are actually nice and sweet, I wonder whose genes he inherited to be so obnoxious. Maybe his late dad.

She then pulls me towards her and whispers in my ear,

"I'm at a loss on how you handle him; his childish behavior surpasses that of any child. While he may appear mature and arrogant to others, to those close to him, he's like a little child."

I chuckled at that and whispered back,

"I also can't handle him at times, I have to talk back with a sharp tongue to make him a cat" I lied, though only at times I had been able to do that, most of the times he is just obnoxious and not even a child at this point but a character that ran away from the novel world.

we both laughed at that as she told me more stories about him. All his childhood and stupidity he had done in the past. It was good Allen was absent from the scene as he went to greet the other members.

After the joyful talks were done, we were to go to the dining hall for a good feast.

Just as we were to enter the hall, Allen grabbed my hand with a jot

"Calm down, it's me" He said

"why did you suddenly grab me like that?" I sighed in frustration

"For fun" He smirked

"Seems what grandma said about you was true. a child" I said looking down at him

" What do you mean? what did she tell you?" He groaned

"ohh, all about the stupidity you did in your past"

"So you know that already, could've come to me instead I would've told you"

I cringed at that and said

"only if you weren't so unpleasant!"







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