Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You like pens?" he asked once we got outside, an amused smile curved his lips.

I nodded, remembering the jar of pens Ethel kept. All were unique. Some looked like cupcakes, others smooth and sparkly, some that were covered in little bees.

They were from her pervious job. She loved pens, and kids often gifted her unique ones they found at stores.

I remembered then the little pen Ethel had allowed me to keep. A baby blue one covered in little gray clouds, wondering if it was in my room somewhere.

I looked up at him, noticing the intent way he looked at me, and blushed.

"So you like the snow, reading, and pens. I don't know much about you, Violet." In the distance was a little food truck. He took my hand and led me towards it.

I looked away, trying to avoid his stare.
"Violet," he grabbed my shoulders suddenly  and stood in front of me. "I want to know you. What you like and don't like. I want to know it all."

He leaned down so he could see me better, tilting my chin up with his large hand.
"You're so guarded," he said, his eyes softening. "Why?"

I tore my chin from his hand and looked at my feet. Bundles of nerves started rising all at once.

I can't tell him. He can't know, he wouldn't understand. Stay quiet, Violet.

"It could be the little things, Violet," he said.

I looked at his chest, taking in a shaky breath. "Well, I like writing too."

"Writing? Well, tell me." We stood there and ordered, then he led me to a bench across the little parking lot.

"It's fun to me. I enjoy it."

"About what?" He asked.

I looked at him and then down at my hands. "Anything really."

He leaned his head down lower and lifted my chin, "I wish you wouldn't look down like that." He looked at me, his eyes on mine only briefly before they glanced down slightly.

I turned my head away, wanting to escape his stare, this attention.
"Please stop," I mumbled.

He leaned closer, "Stop?"

"This... Please," I stood abruptly, feeling panicked. I shook my hands as if doing so would shake away the feeling.

Dominic stood and embraced me, his hand pressing my head to his chest. "Violet, it's okay, just breathe."

The way he held me, so tightly and warm, I felt loved, I felt safe. I wanted to run and stay at the same time. I wanted to push him away but cling to him. I wanted to shut him out but knew I couldn't.

I held back the sudden wave of tears, grabbing fistfulls of his clothing.

I breathed deeply into his chest, trying to calm the sudden panic, as he said over and over again. "Violet, it's okay, you're safe."

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