37. Swagatham Krishna

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The next morning Daksh and Maamu left for work before I woke up. Annayya and Dev bhai too left for their respective works after making sure Bindu vadina had her breakfast. Hithu and I decided to take Viv to an amusement park. Ishika bhabi wanted to stay back with vadina as they both wanted to catch up with their favorite show. We bid adieu to them and went off.

We enjoyed a lot in the amusement park. We did almost all the rides in the kids' section and took turns for the rides which didn't allow kids as one of us had to stay back to look after Viv. After we were done with our enjoyment till 1p.m we had our lunch at a restaurant.

"Bui, ice cream!" Viv squealed clapping his hands on seeing ice cream.

"Ask your chachu baby!" I smiled at him. Hithu got up and bought ice cream for all of us.

"Love you Hithu!" I squealed on seeing my favorite ice cream.

"Love you chachu!" Viv joined me. 

"Love you both!" He replied pulling our cheeks and we all had our ice cream with a lot of teasing and tantrums after that. 

We visited a lake on the way back home. Vadina and bhabi were in the theater room immersed in their show.

"Hello, ladies!" Hithu grabbed their attention. They turned to us and gave us a small smile before going back to their world.

"Chachu, I am hungry!" Viv said tugging Hithus' shirt.

"What do you want baby?" He asked bending to his height.

"Fruits?" He questioned back.

"Right away!" Saying that Hithu disappeared while I sat with the ladies. Viv sat on his mother's lap.

Hithu came back after 10 minutes with apple pieces and orange juice. He passed juice to Bindu vadina and a plate of fruits to Ishika bhabi who fed Viv and herself. He settled beside me with the other plate. I rested my head on his shoulder feeling tired.

"Tired?" He asked me resting his head above mine. I hummed in response.

"Rest for some time. I will also catch some sleep." Saying that he helped me up once we completed our fruits. We went to our respective rooms after placing kisses on Vivs' cheek and on Vadina's 3-month belly which was not even visible properly.

I woke up after an hour or so and went to Ishika bhabi. She was arranging something in her closet. I hugged her from behind and placed my head on her shoulder. She smiled at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Just arranging your bhais' clothes. When did you wake up?" She asked me.

"Just now," I replied and before we could speak more Viv ran toward us with Hithu following him with a glass of milk in his hands.

"Baby please complete this." Hithu requested Viv but he hid behind me and refused to come out.

"This kiddo!" Bhabi exclaimed and shook her head.

"It's okay. I thought I would give you your favorite airplane once you complete your milk. But never mind. Now I will give that to Bui!" Hithu faked disappointment and soon Viv came out and completed his milk in one go.

"Chachu! Plane?" He asked forwarding his hands. 

"I will get it tomorrow baby!" Hithu replied ruffling his hair and Viv nodded enthusiastically.

"Your brothers really know how to handle kids," Bhabi commented looking at Hithu and Viv in his hands. I smiled at her.

"Ishi" We heard Bindu vadinas' voice and hurried out. 

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