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Beginning a new story with lots of hopes, and expectations.

Please shower it with your love and support.

Third Person's POV

In the quiet stillness of dawn, a rosy hue painted the sky, heralding the arrival of a new day. The world was cocooned in a gentle hush, untouched by the waking bustle of the city. Anisha lay in her cozy cocoon of blankets, the soft caress of morning's first light tracing patterns on her face. The tranquil embrace of dawn held her in its tender grip.

The serenity was short-lived as the relentless buzz of the alarm clock shattered the peace, jolting Anisha from her slumber. She blinked away the remnants of sleep, her slender fingers scrambling to hush the intrusive alarm before it could rudely intrude upon her daughter's peaceful sleep.

Anisha's gaze gravitated to the luminous screen of her phone, where the date blinked in bold numerals, a stark reminder of the significance of this day.


It was that day.

The day that had changed everything.

The day that had once stitched the tattered pieces of her heart together, only to tear it apart in ways unimaginable.

Emotions surged within her, and unbidden tears welled up, their weight pulling at the corners of her eyes as she sat up and cast aside the blankets.

Her throat grew dry, and her palms clammy as a knot of unease tightened in her stomach. Silently, she wept, the burden of memories and emotions bearing down on her.


A soft voice broke the silence.

Startled, Anisha wiped away her tears, drew in a shuddering breath, and turned to face the source of comfort and joy in her life.

"Maisha, my darling," she whispered, enfolding her daughter in a warm embrace. She held Maisha close, ensuring her tears remained concealed.

The last thing she wanted was for her daughter to see her tears the first thing the morning.

With practiced ease, Anisha regained her composure and spoke in hushed tones, "Why are you awake so early, my sweetheart? Did Mamma's alarm disturb your sleep?"

Maisha shook her head gently, her innocent eyes fixed on her mother's face.

"Mamma, were you crying?" she ventured, her voice a soft, probing murmur.

Anisha mustered a bittersweet smile, mentally counting the number of times she had lied to her beloved daughter.

"No, my love," she replied, her voice a fragile facade. "Why would Mamma cry? Mamma wasn't crying."

"Promise?" Maisha persisted.

Anisha nodded, trying to manage a more genuine smile.

"Okay! You sleep a little more, while Mamma gets your things ready for school. What does my baby want for lunch today?" Anisha continued, moving away from the brink of tears.

"I want," Maisha began, tapping her tiny forehead with her delicate fingers, a pensive expression on her face.

Suddenly, she jumped up and exclaimed, "Mamma, call Superman quickly!"

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