chapter forty-five

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*author's note*
Man oh man, I think this is the last chapter before the epilogues. As I finished writing it I thought it would be the perfect way to end the story.
The epilogues are going to take place a year or two after this chapter I think. I'll write as much as I can today and let you know I think.
Enjoy this last chapter of the timeline <3


"So here's my second gift to you" she smiled, handing him a little red box. "You don't have to accept it if you don't feel like it, but I really hope you will"

"Should I be scared?" he giggled.

"Depends on what you get scared for" she said. He glanced at her before loosening the bow and putting it away. 

She watched as he opened the box, holding her breath and hoping it wasn't a rushed decision. He took the keys out of the box, an unreadable expression on his face. 

"Again, you don't have to accept it. I just felt ready and I wanted you to know, probably I should've talked about it with you first, but I didn't know how or when and suddenly I didn't know if I should've and I'm sorry if it's not the wisest decision but" he interrupted her ranting, kissing her mid sentence.

"Before you freak out, are these what I think they are?" he asked smiling.

"What do you think they are?" she asked.

"The keys to your apartment?"

"Then yes, they're exactly what you think they are" she said, waiting for him to say something. Anything really - even a no would've been fine. "You don't have to move in if you don't want to, we don't have to live together immediately. But now you can come to my place even if I'm not here and I thought it would be nice to find you home when I get back" she said, fidgeting nervously with her hands.

"Too bad because I would like to move in" he said. Her eyes brightened up while she sighed in relief. "I really want to wake up next to you every morning and go to sleep next to you every evening" he whispered, just inches away from her lips.

"I would like that" she whispered, smiling.

"You won't get rid of me now, you know that?" he asked.

"I like the idea of you never going away" she giggled.

"Good" he smiled, before kissing her. When they broke apart, he got up from the bed hey were sitting on. 

After their friends had left, they had sat on the bed so that they could be comfortable while he opened the last gift. 

"Where are you going?" she asked, watching his back as he walked towards the door. 

"I have to get something from my backpack" he said. "I'll be right back" he smiled, before disappearing behind the door.

A minute later, he was sitting next to her once again, handing her a small purple box with a bow on top.

"What's this?" she asked confused.

"You gotta open it and find out" he said.

"It's not my birthday, it's yours" she giggled.

"Yeah but I didn't give it to you on your birthday. I didn't have to courage to give it to you. It has been sitting in my bedside table for months, I think it's time for you to have it" he said.

She widened her eyes. He had gotten her a gift then. But why didn't he say anything?

She slowly untied the bow, letting it fall on her lap. Then she lifted the lid, revealing a small necklace. She picked it up, curiously looking at it. 

It was a small hemisphere, with a little black circle in the middle. 

"Look into the circle" he said. As she did, he explained. "Usually in these necklaces they write 'I love you' in every language of the world. Since I didn't want to be so obvious about it, I asked if they could personalize it differently" 

She finally folund the right angle, widening her mouth in shock. "This is beautiful" she said, her eyes getting watery for the emotion.

"I knew that you love the 'Starry night' painting" he said. "And I've always known it was your favorite because of the emotions it makes you feel"

She looked at him, smiling softly.

"You are my starry night Lya" he said. "You make me feel emotions I had never felt before, and I want you to know that." 

She kissed him lightly, smiling on his lips. 

"You're my second favorite starry night" she giggled.

"I'll take it" he laughed. She handed him the necklace, asking him to put it on for her. She turned around, sitting on the edge of the bed and facing the mirror on the wall. She smiled as he struggled to close the necklace around her neck, concentrated on not making it fall. When he finally managed to close it, he stroked her hair behind her back, resting his hands on her shoulders as she turned around.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it" she smiled. "Thank you"

"I would give you the world if I could"

"Your presence is all I need honestly"

"If you keep saying stuff like that you will never get rid of me"

"Who said I ever want to get rid of you?"

"That's a bold statement to make"

"I'm feeling bold tonight" she smirked

"How bold, exactly?" he asked, his eyes traveling between her eyes and lips.

"Very" she smiled, kissing him again.

"Really?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Really" she giggled.

Those were the last sentences spoken that night.

There were whispered names, light caresses, sweet kisses and bright hope for a future together.

Neither of them let go of the other, both of them shared their emotions through their eyes, their limbs, their touches and their sighs.

The perspective of a future together, the hope for an endless and long happiness.

The feeling of being right, the confirmation of being enough.

They showed each other their love, more than anyone had ever done before.

They were a perfect match - not made in heaven type of match, but the real kind.

They had the kind of love that was going to be there regardless of the obstacles.

They had the kind of love that was strong enough to survive the hells of life.

They had the kind of love they always wanted to give, but never found anyone to give it to.

And then they had found each other.

And they weren't going to let go.

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