Chapter 18

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CW: hints at SA

Althea moved through the dimly lit corridors of the prison facility, her every step calculated and silent. She could feel the weight of the charges in her pack, and her heart raced with anticipation. Her earpiece buzzed softly as she heard Soap's voice in her ear.

"Althea, head to the west wing. That's where most prisoners are held. We need to create a diversion there," Soap instructed.

"Copy that, Soap. On my way," Althea responded, her voice low and determined.

She followed the directions, making her way deeper into the prison complex. The dimly lit hallways seemed to stretch endlessly, and the tension in the air grew with each passing moment. But then, without warning, her earpiece went silent. Althea frowned and tapped it, trying to re-establish contact.

"Soap? Rudy? Ghost?" she called out, but there was only static in response. Panic started to creep in as she realized she was on her own, her communication cut off in the heart of enemy territory. 

As Althea continued down the corridor, she suddenly froze as a dark figure emerged from the shadows ahead. It was the soldier who had assaulted her earlier, his malicious grin sending chills down her spine. His hand was on his gun, finger already on the trigger.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You thought you could walk away with no consequences?" His grip tightened on the gun.

Althea's heart pounded in her chest, and she took a step back, searching for an escape route. She quickly realized the moment she pulled out a knife or her gun, he would shoot her. He was taller than her and surely could overpower her if she fought him in hand-to-hand combat. The only choice was to run. She turned to run, but the soldier grabbed her hair, pulling her back to him.

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart," he taunted, his fingers tightening on her hair.

Althea sneered at him. "Go ahead and call your little friends and lock me up then."

Instead of reaching for his radio, his smile only grew. "Oh, no. I have my plans for you."


Ghost's POV:

Ghost's sharp eyes remained fixed on the hallways, waiting for Soap's direction. But then, he heard it— the sudden silence on the communication channel. His heart skipped a beat, and a feeling of dread washed over him. Something was wrong.

He didn't waste a moment, immediately turning to Soap, who was still at the security cameras. "Soap, Althea's comm just went dead. Get a visual on her location, now!"

Soap frantically worked the controls, trying to locate Althea's position within the prison. Ghost's heart raced as he watched the surveillance feed, the seconds ticking by agonizingly slow.

Finally, Soap saw her—a lone figure in a dimly lit corridor, cornered by a soldier, the same one who had assaulted her earlier. Ghost's blood ran cold as he realized the danger she was in.

Without hesitation, he bolted from the security room, rushing down the hallway toward Althea's location. He knew he had to get to her before it was too late.

Ghost's boots echoed off the cold, concrete floor as he sprinted down the dark corridor. His heart raced, adrenaline surging through his veins. He couldn't afford to lose a single second; Althea's life was hanging in the balance.

As he neared the spot where the surveillance camera had captured Althea's perilous encounter, he could hear the muffled sounds of a struggle.

He could hear voices coming from inside. "Stop struggling and let me- ow!" The soldier cursed, and a few seconds later a gunshot rang out and Althea let out a yell. 

A/N: Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed reading this one. I don't think I wrote it very well but I hope it was okay and descriptive enough for you :) I LOVE YOU THANKS FOR READING!!

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