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Two months! Exactly two months before our wedding and I was asked to take a leave from my work! And his father, being the director, I was granted a leave for four months without any questions.

Eomoni has planned everything, just after our married ceremony, We'll be on the plane off to our honeymoon for three weeks. Yes, a honeymoon of three weeks in a villa in the south of France! Our wedding reception party will be planned in the meantime by her only. She's planning a grand party in Jeju Island in their luxury resort.

For our wedding day we're keeping it simple and beautiful. Jungkook and I personally chose the hall. We're spending more quality time with each other now. Jungkook is totally involved in this wedding arrangement. Only our family and close friends will be present to witness that.

Aerum is taking me for a few beauty treatments, hair treatments, and other stuff. She forced me to get my nails done.

Eomoni accompanied me to get my wedding gown selected. It's Jungkook who wanted to do that with me, but I refused because I want him to see the dress on our wedding day itself.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he refused to give me any details. "You'll see soon,"

"Why do I feel like you're kidnapping me?" I asked playfully

"That's exactly what I'm doing." He replied with a small smile focused on the road.

"Here we are!!" I looked out, and there is a hotel outside.

"So we are here to eat?" I asked as he nodded. The valets opened the door for us. I smiled, bowing to him. So he asked me to doll up for a dinner date.

I mean, we've been to these types of dates a lot, but he personally sent an outfit for this one and told me it's special. He is dressed in a really attractive outfit today, by the way. A white shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbow first few buttons opened paired up with black desss pants. His veiny hands on display with the watch I gifted. He's wearing that often these days.Why are his hands so attractive? He looks attractive with anything, to be honest.

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He wrapped his arms around my waist, walking in.

"Hey Jungkook!" The man walked to us.

"Hyung!" They gave a hug to each other.

"Hyung, this is my lovely fiance. Park Y/N, baby, this is my friend Kim Seokjin. He owns this hotel." I bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim."

"Nice to finally meet you. Jungkook has been telling me about you a lot."

"He's invited to our wedding too," Jungkook informed me. "Never thought you'll agree for an arranged marriage." Seokjin said as Jungkook chuckled. So Jungkook has given him a lot of details, he must be close then.

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