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Harley, JJ, Pope and Kie were scattered around outside. Kiara had been acting as an assistant to Pope who was testing the winch system for the well. Harley was sitting on the swing opposite JJ who had his feet dipped in the cold hot-tub.

Last night, all four had stayed at the Chateau so they'd be there when John B came back from his fishing trip.

Harley and JJ had told Kie and Pope about their relationship in the morning over breakfast. They were not surprised in the slightest, making comments like, 'About time'. They were happy for the pair. Pope was ecstatic honestly. 

"John B pullin' a Houdini," JJ spoke.

Pope's gaze travelled to Harley. "Yeah, where is he?"

Harley shrugged, only knowing as much as they did. He would have been off early in the morning, so she supposed he'd be back by now. "Maybe swapping spit with Sarah."

"I've got my scholarship interview tomorrow morning. We gotta get this done."

Movement by Kiara captured Harley's attention. "Speak of the devil. There's our chief commander."

"Hey. Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything." 

Harley rolled her eyes at JJ's lie and snickered as Pope verbalised his dissent. She hopped off the swing and skipped after John B who was making a beeline for the Chateau. He clearly had something on his mind. It kind of reminded her of when she had come marching by after Rafe had drowned her. 

"Hey, JB! Are you okay?" John B didn't answer Harley, he stormed through the door without so much as a glance. Harley peered back over her shoulder quizzically, but everyone else looked just as lost.

They all scurried inside to see their mute friend rummaging through cupboards, draws and the couch seats. 

Pope walked up behind John B. "You all right, man? What- what's up?"


"What are you looking for?" Kiara asked.

John B rushed over to the right side of the drawn out sofa bed and dug behind the pillows. It took a second before he brandished JJ's gun.

"Woah!" Harley's eyes grew in shock and worry. "What do you need that for?"

She felt JJ stepped up behind her then in front of her. 

"John B! What do you need the gun for, man? Talk to us."

John B responded physically and threw JJ aside onto the makeshift bed. Harley backed up in surprise and stumbled when her brother brushed by.

Everyone started yelling for John B to chill out and talk to them, but he was like a man possessed. He moved swiftly knowing exactly where he was going and it was scaring everyone. 

"What are you JJ, now?" Pope stood in John B's way but got shoved aside.

Harley raced after John B, taking the steps outside two at a time. 

"John B, wait a second. What are you doing? What's going on?" Harley caught his arm before he could get on JJ's dirt bike. "Talk to me."

"What, like you always talk to me?" he sneered and shook his arm free.

John B looked angry. No, he looked livid. He was pissed and all of his rage burned in his eyes and directed itself towards her.

She didn't understand what he meant with his comment, but tried to push past it.

"Something is wrong. What happened?"

By now the others had caught up. 

"Ward knows about the gold." Gears started spinning in Harley's mind with so many question. All of that came to a grinding halt at John B's next words. "He killed my dad."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now