Chapter 3

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The end of the week had come, marking the return of the dreary, predictable routine of snoozing my alarm and then begrudgingly dragging myself out of bed for classes. But, there was a silver lining – the weekend was just around the corner.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and hastily made my way out of my apartment, making my way to the classes of the day. The university's hallways were bustling with students, all absorbed in their own worlds. As I hurried along, which is when I heard my name being called upon behind me. It was Melissa, who appeared to be heading in the same direction.

"Hey, Ev! How's it going?" Melissa greeted me when she caught up to me and walked along beside me. She showcased her radiant smile that could rival the sun's brilliance. Lately she has been glowing and I was sure I knew why.

I couldn't help but smirk knowingly at her, letting her in on my secret. I knew that she had spent the night at Niall's place; I'd realized this when I hadn't heard her alarm go off or spotted her in our chaotic morning rush.

In the early hours of the morning, when I had ventured into the kitchen to brew my morning coffee, I noticed that Melissa's room was eerily empty. Her alarm clock had remained silent, and her side of the room was devoid of her usual morning chaos. That's when it hit me—Melissa hadn't been home all night.

And now I could tell that Melissa's hoodie hung on her shoulders, its oversized sleeves draped over her hands. It was a hoodie I had never seen her wear before, a deep blue with a logo that was definitely not hers. She knew I knew and it was evident with the embarrassment of being caught tinging her cheeks as my eyes met hers.

"I'm good," I replied, "Just already tired of this semester, and it's only been a week. What about you?"

"Ugh I know tell me about it!" She groaned in solidarity, her enthusiasm undiminished. She leaned in closer and lowered her voice, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Listen, I wanted to ask you something. Niall and I are planning to grab a drink after class today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along? It's going to be a bunch of people, and Niall has been itching to hang out with my best friend again."

As she spoke, her hope was palpable, hanging in the air like a delicate, trembling promise. The invitation felt like a lifeline to a different world, a chance to escape the monotony that had settled over the week.

My mind raced, desperately trying to come up with an excuse to decline. "I don't know," I dragged. The truth was, I wasn't really in the mood to socialize today. I longed for solitude, to retreat to the sanctuary of my apartment. But Melissa had a knack for persuasion, and she knew exactly which buttons to push. "I think I'll just head home after class," I shrugged.

"Come on, Ev, it'll be fun! Plus, you never know who else might show up. Maybe even Harry will come along," Melissa added a mischievous grin.

Harry. The mere mention of his name sent a shiver down my spine awakening a tumultuous mix of emotions – anger, hurt, and an undeniable attraction that I struggled to suppress. I've been trying to avoid him ever since our disastrous discussion, if you can call it that. Melissa was well aware of the power she held over me.

"I'm kidding, Niall said Harry probably won't be able to make it" She adds after a pause hoping to further convince me into going. 

I sighed, conceding defeat. "Fine, I'll come," I muttered, my resistance crumbling. "But just for a drink. And only if Harry isn't there."

Melissa's laughter danced in the air like a melody, "Okay, deal. See you after class!"

My day unfolded, classes blurring into a tedious stream of lectures and assignments. The anticipation of the impending meetup hung over me like a cloud. As the last lecture of the day came to an end, I couldn't help but feel relieved for the weekend. The idea of not having to wake up early for the next two days sounded heavenly.

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