Part 22

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I put Ava in my spare office.

"Please, stay," Ava begs, holding onto my legs.

"The Pet Lock is activated, so no scourges will enter the office," I say, hoping the translator can explain as I bolt from the room.

Is she even ready for this exercise, entering a room with a scourge? We don't have a choice. If she is to pass her evaluation, she needs to deal with this phobia.

Kayla and Tarak arrive at their appointed time, meeting me in my primary office. My mind keeps drifting to Ava who is on the other side of the wall and probably going out of her mind.

"Why are we here," asks Tarak, slapping his tail against the floor. He probably thinks I asked him here to force him into mandatory sessions again.

"Be nice," Kayla tells Tarak.

"We might as well get this over with," I say. "I have asked you both here today because I've been exposing Ava to images of scourges to desensitize her, and she has made a lot of progress, but to advance further, she needs to–"

"Interact with a living, breathing scourge," says Kayla.

"Exactly, and since she knows you, Tarak, that might make this exercise easier for her. Do you think you can help, Tarak? We just need for you and her to be in the room at the same time."

Tarak juts his fangs out further. "I would never hurt a pet."

Kayla rubs Tarak's arm. "We know you would not hurt a pet, and Ava probably does, too, but sometimes the brain is slower in learning not to be afraid. Will you help?"

Tarak growls. "I accept."

Sweat drips from my brow. I need this to work. Through my wall unit, I speak to Ava. "Ava, we are ready to do the exercise. I am unlocking your door. Join us when you are ready."

Tarak seems like he is breathing louder than normal, and Kayla is holding Tarak's hand, whispering to him that he needs to relax.

At long last, the door to my office slides open. Ava stands in the doorway. Despite our practice sessions, Ava's eyes are huge and locked onto Tarak.

Tarak's eyes are also big, his tail thumping against the floor.

Oh no. Only now do I realize the part of the plan I failed to account for. This is a test for Tarak, too. He knows that any little thing, moving too fast or growling might send Ava under the desk or out of this room.

Kayla waves at Ava as if this is an ordinary day in the pet park. "Hi, Ava."

Ava shuffles, taking tiny steps into the room. Even from where I sit behind the desk, I can detect all the signals she gives off when she is afraid: the sheen of sweat on her brow; the way her eyes dart toward the door; and her slight tremble. Ava is not in my lap but my feathers itch, expecting to be twisted.

Ava and I had discussed what she needs to do to pass the next benchmark of her phobia de-escalation plan, which is to stand within an arm-length of a scourge.

She is doing that right now, standing right in front of Tarak. Even though she twitches, I will count this as her passing the test. We can make more benchmarks later.

"Tarak, I... I wanted to say thank you. If it weren't for you, I... I wouldn't be here. So, thank you," says Ava with a shaky breath.

Talking to Tarak is not part of the current plan, but she is the one initiating this; stopping her would be wrong.

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