Chapter 7

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A Day Brimming with Unexpected Delights

Aubrey Hall, Kent

Over the course of the previous year, Charlotte found herself deeply immersed in the responsibilities associated with performing her brother's duties, to the extent that she temporarily overlooked the imperative task of learning Welsh. While she did manage to secure the services of a tutor, Charlotte's commitment extended beyond the formal lessons. Post-tutoring sessions, she diligently practiced on her own.

Benedict became an unexpected and supportive companion in her linguistic journey. Amidst his own pursuits in sketching, he dedicated moments to accompany Charlotte during her study sessions. Intriguingly, Benedict, despite lacking any prior familiarity with the Welsh language, would occasionally pause his sketches to lend a helping hand. He took it upon himself to assist Charlotte in perfecting her pronunciation, demonstrating a heartfelt involvement in her pursuit of mastering this unfamiliar linguistic terrain. Their shared endeavor not only became a bonding experience but also added a unique layer to their relationship, transcending the boundaries of conventional sibling roles.

Little did the Duke know, his unintentional expression of concentration—furrowed eyebrows and a slight pout forming on his lips—whenever he delved into the intricacies of deciphering English and Welsh grammar books or his wife's lesson notes held an endearing charm for her. These moments, where he earnestly sought to comprehend the linguistic nuances, unknowingly became the highlights of Charlotte's day. The genuine effort Benedict put into grappling with the complexities of the languages, coupled with the subtle display of his determined facial expressions, created a heartwarming scene that endeared him to her, fostering a deeper appreciation for their shared journey of language learning.

With an air of amusement, the Duchess of Kent and Strathearn observed her Duke engrossed in the challenging endeavor of deciphering a Welsh text. The Duke, with a persistent furrow on his brow and a slight pout to his mouth, made valiant attempts to navigate the linguistic intricacies before him. As he courageously ventured to pronounce a particular word, only to meet with resounding failure, a broad smile adorned the Duchess's face. It was a moment of shared amusement, a testament to the endearing nature of their connection, where the Duke's linguistic struggles brought forth not frustration but genuine joy to his watchful consort.

"Dwi'n dy garu di," Charlotte said in Welsh, and he immediately look at her with his eyes slightly wide. I love you. "It means that 'I love you', my love."

"And now I officially find the language extraordinarily attractive," he smirked, making her giggle. "Who could have thought that your voice could be so seductive in such languages like German and Welsh?"

"And Scottish Gaelic," she reminded him, and he chuckled.

"Of course," he nodded. "Another language where I do not understand a single word of."

"And now you are making me wonder, would you like to learn some German?" She playfully asked, and he exaggeratedly sighed. "Es ist nicht so schwer wie es sich anhört." It's not as difficult as it sounds.

"I will entirely, but respectfully decline your most gracious offer," a wide smile graced his face when his wife giggled at his words. "Now that we have clarified that... What do you say about you not Welsh-practicing and me not sketching for the rest of the night?"

"Is that so?" She raised her eyebrows in amusement. "And what do you suggest we do instead?"

"I may have an idea," he smiled softly at her. "We could go outside, sit underneath a tree and stare at the night sky."

[2] The Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now