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I swallowed hard as I looked at him, feeling my heart rate going up once again.

“I… Uh…” My mind went completely blank when I tried to come up with some kind of excuse.

But who was I kidding? I was completely in deep shit no matter what.

“Quiet.” He growled out and I clamped my mouth shut.

Nicholas looked at me with his darkened eyes. I had seen that look on his face before when he was extremely pissed. And now it was aimed at me.

He slowly walked up to me, his eyes scanning my body before he met my eyes. I had to tilt my head up a little to be able to see his face when he stopped in front of me. My breath hitched in my throat at how close we were. He still had that effect on my body, making it flutter and tingle without even touching me, and his face was so close to mine that it almost felt unreal.

It also took everything in me not to turn around and make a run for it, not ready for what I was about to face.

I didn’t notice when he reached for the gun I was hiding behind my back before he ripped it out of my hands. Nicholas  looked at the gun, turning it over as he examined it.

“How did you get this?” His voice was laced with so much anger, making me gulp a little.

“I, uh, bought it?” I really didn’t want to say

it to me when he already was this angry. He placed the tip of the gun under my chin to make me look at him.

“Don’t lie to me. This belongs to me, so tell me who the fuck gave it to you?” I stayed quiet. He would only be even more furious.

“Fine. I will find out in a second. Go sit your ass down and take that shit off.” His eyes were cold as he looked at me. I swallowed hard. I was not in any position to be saying anything and followed his orders as a good obedient child would.

Nicholas ’s eyes followed me as I sat down on the couch. At the same time, the door opened and Antonio, Giovanni, Logan, and Josh walked in with Ava and Cecilia, who were still half-asleep and had to be carried by Logan  and Josh. They all gave me disapproving looks and I looked away, taking off my wig and contacts to hide my nervousness.

“What happened to them?” Nicholas  asked, looking at Ava’s and Cecilia’s drowsy state.

“We found them asleep.” Antonio reported.

“Didn’t I say to keep an eye on her at all times, and you fell asleep?” Nicholas snapped at them. Cecilia looked at him and blinked a couple of times as she tried to focus.

“It just happened. We suddenly got tired after she left… Must have been the wine.” She mumbled and leaned into Logan.

“Did you drug us?” Ava asked, making all of them look at me.

“You drugged my girlfriend?” Logan hissed at me. My eyes widen at his words. Cecilia was his girlfriend? That meant she was Nicholas’s cousin, doubling the amount of shit I was already in.

“I wouldn’t call it drugged… I just crushed some sleeping pills and put them in the wine…” I awkwardly trailed off and squirmed in my seat. If Logan  wasn’t pissed at me before for staying in the safe-house, he was definitely now for, well, drugging his girlfriend with sleeping pills.

“Badass.” Ava half chuckled and rubbed her eyes.

“Take them away.” He ordered and Logan and Josh  carried them out. Even Josh, who was usually playful and goofy, was quiet and looked at me with a pissed-off expression.

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