Chapter 42

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The door opened with a 'bang' sound.

They were beyond shocked. Seeing their friend, San on top of a boy, with his knife pointed at this neck threatening to spill the blood out of his throat, made them scared.

"Hey San!! STOPPPP!!" the boy who invited him came towards him, pulling him away from that 'poor' boy who was under him, almost unconscious.

Turning his attention to the other direction, he saw another boy, leaning against a wall, shaking from fear. Another boy, on the ground, cried out, holding his shoulder in pain.

"SAN STOP IT!!!" another boy cried out who came inside just now. "You are killing him!!!!" he shouted.

Suddenly, San took a sharp breath and got off the boy immediately. Stumbled backwards, loosened his grip on the knife that was in his hand and was now on the ground.

San was now in control.

Seeing everything in front of him, he teared up. Breaths were short yet quick. Heartbeat incredibly fast.

One second ago he was about to get r@ped and now...

All those boys were on the ground, injured. A bloody scar on each of their cheeks. The knife too was slightly covered in blood. He was overwhelmed to see these all at once, it was too much for him to process. His head hurt like hell.

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!!" his friend, whose birthday was today, asked San with a very shocked face.

Sharply turning his head towards him, eyes already teary and red;

"Ask them..." San replied in a very low yet audible voice, through his gritting teeth.

With that, without wasting another second in that room, with those disgusting boys, he stormed out of the room.

Tears uncontrollably flowing down his cheeks...

[A few months went by...]

Now San was officially known as 'The Freak'.

Everyone thought he was all soft, friendly and nice on the outside, yet...

Deadly, scary and very dangerous under his skin...

He lost all his friends, every possible relationship.

After that day in the invitation, San knew that something was up with him, he didn't know what.

Everytime he looked into the mirror, he swore he did see someone else sometimes. He knew his mind was a messy place. Perhaps the messiest please.

There were even some points of time when he would actually feel his body was out of his control. He would experience random blackouts, ending up in different places at the unexpected moments.

He was now afraid...

... afraid of whoever was living inside his mind or body...!!

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