chapter 38

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"Hello, I'm Oliver. You must be y/n." Lando's brother walks over to me with little Mila on his arm and his wife Savannah behind him.
"Hello. Yes I am. It's nice to meet you." I say and shake Savannah's hand after.
"This must be Mila." I say smiling up at her and softly rubbing her pinky cheek.
"He's still asleep, but I don't know, it might sound weird, but I have a feeling he does hear what we're saying." I explain looking back at Lando's room.
"Go home for today. We'll all be here to look out for him. You've done so much and more. Thank you. Really." Oliver says and I just smile as a response.
"Uhm yea sure. I'll go downstairs for some lunch first and come back to grab my stuff." I say.
"Want me to join you?" Max asks.
"That'll be lovely." I say and we both walk to the elevator.

"So that was quite the confession." Max says looking up at me.
"Jup. I don't really wanna talk about it. I got it off my chest and that is all I wanted." I say playing with my food, not feeling very hungry.
"Do you think he heard you?"
"I'm not sure. I guess. I don't really mind either." I say taking a sip of my coffee. Max and I finish our food and talk about work a bit. When we're finished we go back upstairs and I start packing my bag while Lando's family is still with him. I politely knock on the door, because I wanna say goodbye to his family.
"I'm sorry to bother. I just wanted to let you know ill be going back to my hotel. Max contacted Aaliyah, but she's stuck at work, so she won't come visit again for the next 3 days." I say and I see Lando's sister roll her eyes as I say it.
"It was lovely to meet you all." I smile at them and wait for their response.
"It was lovely to meet you too. Lando wasn't lying when he said how amazing you were. Thank you for everything you've done and we hope to see you again tomorrow." Adam, Lando's dad says.
"It's not a problem and I'll be here." I say and look over at Lando. "Goodbye Lan." I close the door behind me.
Max and I had another talk. He decided to stay for a bit longer when I suggested I would take him back to the hotel.
"Keep me updated, will you?" I say while packing my last things.
"I will." He says and hugs me goodbye. I walk over to the elevator and wait for the well known 'ding'. When it does, I hear a door sweep open with quite some passion.
"Is she still here?" I hear Oliver ask Max. I step a bit forward so he can see for himself.
"He's awake. He's asking for you." He says and o my god the weight that just dropped off my shoulders after I heard him say that. It's indescribable. I smile up enthusiastically and I feel a small tear come up.
"Me?" I ask confused after letting the thing he just said sink in. Oliver just nods yes as an response. I nervously walk back to where Max is seated and place my bag down.
We both walk over to Lando's room and see him being hugged intensely by his family. It warms my heart to see. Max is next to say hello.
"I've kinda missed you mate." He says 'bro hugging' him. When Lando's chin lands on Max's shoulder his sparkly eyes meet mine. I awkwardly wave at him and he releases Max from the hug.
"Hi.." I say smiling happily.
"Hi.." he says returning the same look.
I slowly walk over to him and give him a look to ask him if it's okay if I hug him. He enthusiastically nods his head yes, so I hug him tightly yet carefully. A small tear escapes.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper in his ear.
"Let's talk later okay?" He whispers back and I pull out of the hug while quickly wiping away my tear, so his family won't see. Lando just simply smiles, I guess happy to see how much I actually care.
"So I heard, you've won a discussion once again." He smirks up at me knowing about the talk I had with Zak.
"Well what can I say. We both know that I like to persevere." I smile back at him.
"And apparently you're my girlfriend??" He asks jokingly. I look back at Max in shock, but he nods his head no.
"They wouldn't let me in as your pr manager, so I had to. Speaking of girlfriends, the real one is busy with work so she's not here." I say and immediately regret it. "I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to come out like that. I'll call her right now." I say walking away.
"Don't." He says and I turn around having all the answers by just a simple 'don't'.
I take a chair and sit next to Lando's family, just listening to everything they're telling him and he's telling them.
He feels good and isn't really in any pain at the moment. The doctor came in as well and said he could go home tomorrow. They would run some final tests and then he would be good to go. Apparently he was hit in the head during the crash, which caused him to fall into a deep sleep. It was a rare and weird thing to happen. The doctor said that most people hear and feel everything around them, but they just can't seem to open their eyes. Lando didn't really respond to it so we don't know if that was the case for him.
Formula 1 races were off the agenda at least till the start of the 2023 season, which is understandable by everyone in the room.
"You'll be getting quite some check ups at your home hospital and after a while we'll discuss things about your career, okay?" The doctor says and Lando nods understanding but disappointed.

special green eyes <3 - LNजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें