12- The search

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After Josh leaves, I have to pay the entire bill!

I can't believe this! We didn't even have much the bill's so fucking high!

I let my credit card take the hit all the while cursing the rich people.

But anyways, I somehow manage to get up and book a cab.

But while entering the location, I decide to drop by somewhere else other than my home...

My cab arrives quickly and I depart from the restaurant.

By this time I have figured it out that Josh is not going to tell me anything...

So if I have to know about Mikhail, I got to do it on my own.

The cab comes to a stop in front of an older looking building.

I pay the driver his share and get down the car. Then gazing at the building from top to bottom, I decide to give him a call.



"Hey Lisha! Long time no see? What's up?"

"Hey Ron, hope you're doing good."

"Yeah all good! All good! So? Everything's alright?"

"Uh...I actually needed you're help with something are you free now? I am outside your office, should I come up?"

"Are you kidding!? Just come up Lisha! You don't have to be so formal with me!!"

"Yeah just wanted to make sure you're not busy haha! I'll be there right now!"

I cut the call and enter the building.

Ron was like a brother to me, also Claire, my bestfriend's boyfriend.

And he also runs a private detective agency.

I enter the room full of people with computers and noises.

I was last here with Claire when she had a fight with Ron. At that time I found this place so overwhelming. From extra marital affairs to criminal records...I hated the breach of privacy of a person!

But I never thought I'd be here again...that too with a case myself...

"I need you to look up a guy for me..."

"Do you have a picture of the dude?" Ron asks.

"I doubt I do..."

"Lisha...why do you wanna look up this guy? I mean you don't even have his picture right?"

"Uh...well its a long story."

"Can I atleast get his name?" Ron sighs.

"Its Mikhail Ivanov. He seems to be Russian, 6'5 feet tall, pale, black hair and sea-green eyes. He's drives a black lambo, he seems pretty rich" I try to describe him as best as possible for Ron to take notes.

"Also he's close to Josh Leon and his family, the owners of Elda group" I add.

Ron raises his eyebrows, "Oh is it?"


"So he's a big shot huh?"

"Yeah looks like it. He's pretty close to him but Josh wouldn't tell me anything about him and I'm not sure why"

"Wait...Josh? He wouldn't tell you what? Are you close with that rich son of a bitch?"

"Ah kind of...He's actually my fiance" I reply.

"Wait what!? When did all of this hapen??? Like why do I not know of this?!!"

"Its just happened very recently so I didn't get time to inform haha..."

"No seriously, how come I don't know of it after dealing with informations on a daily basis?"

"Hahaha" I chuckle slightly.

"Congratulations, by the way!"

But on hearing that word, my face changes into pure disappointment.

Ron notices it and realises something might be wrong.

"Is something up? Is the dude being rude to you?" He asks.

"Its not like that Ron...I just...I just don't want to get married. I don't wamt to leave my job, my apartment, my dreams, my life! I just wanna live!" I say.

Tears swell up around the corner of my eyes, Ron immediately offers me a seat and a glass of water.

"I understand...Please calm down Lisha" he says.

"Thanks a lot Ron...it means a lot" I smile.

"Anytime, Lisha. And don't worry about that guy I'll look into him"

"Thanks again Ron!"

After that, Ron escorts me to my cab as I bid him goodbye.

I let the glass down and try to enjoy the breeze. I really wanna forget about it all...I wish I could just forget about it all!

But just then my phone rings, I pick it up to see its from Josh.


"Hey Lisha, I am so sorry for today!! Something emergency came up and I had to..."

"Its fine...Is it resolved now?"

"Well yeah...kind of"

"May I ask what happened?"

"Uh well just some personal stuff...Nothing for you to worry about. Anyways where are you now?"

"I have already left the restaurant and I am travelling home"

"Oh got it. But please do allow me to make it up to you sometime at least!"

"Yeah sure..."

"Okay then I'll call you later"


That was all.

He just rushes away from our date and won't even tell me where he went?

Why do I feel like he's trying to hide something from me?

I reach home soon only to be questioned by ny parents about my date.

I tell them the truth but it only makes matters worse.

"Do you think he doesn't like her anymore?" My dad worries.

"No dear, I am sure that its just an emergency..." My mom answers.

"But I hope he doesn't lose interest..."

"I am tired" Is all I say before climbing up the stairs to my room.

I don't want to hear any of that...I don't want to!

I turn the lights off and just drop down on my bed.

Then closing my eyes I fall asleep...

And maybe because of that I missed 7 calls and 14 messages from Ron.

And when I woke up it was too late.

Ron was hospitalised and one of his close worker was declared dead.

The last message read, "Where did you find this guy?"

My One Night Stand With The Mafia BossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon