Important Note - Book Update

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April 6th, 2024 Update -

Thanks for your interest in this book! I'm in the process of editing this book offline. Besides some proofreading, the main change is switching it from third person past tense to first person present tense. I decided to leave the full book up and edit as I go. Feel free to start though. You may stumble across older versions of the chapters that are in third person later on in the book, but I'll be updating a few times a week. So, up to you if you'd like to continue with those versions or wait for the updates.

Book Introduction / Information:

If you like enemies to lovers, office romance, and an overall fun time, then this book is for you! A couple of caveats before you get started:

1. This book takes place in the world of finance. I know it isn't the sexiest topic in the world, but don't worry, there will still be plenty of sexy and fun moments in this one. :)

2. Speaking of sexy moments. This book is rated mature for sexual themes and strong language. Some scenes get very detailed so please 18+ only. And for the love of God, if you're related to me, please don't read this one.

3. With any of my books, I love hearing from readers. Your comments can help shape future drafts and greatly impact the experience of future readers. Thank you in advance for any comments / votes. They seriously make my day.

4. Lastly, this will be a dual POV story. I'm trying it out, so please do let me know your thoughts on it.

Alright, that's all the intro-ing I got. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!



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