Chapter 20

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I awoke the next morning to an empty bed, a note on the nightstand from Draven, not Dax, saying he had an important Alpha matter to attend to. I immediately felt a pang of missing his presence but I shook it away being Alpha came with immense responsibilities, many that would take priority to his personal life. He had already spent a good deal of time having to make his personal life his priority and it would take time to balance everything back out.

Ace was in the kitchen when I entered dutifully cooking bacon.

"Have I told you that you're my favorite?" I asked him with a wide smile as he handed me a perfect mug of coffee.

"Don't let Dax or Draven hear that," he chuckled.

"He's off doing some alpha shit," I waved my hand dismissively.

Ace raised an eyebrow and pouted, "Wonder why I wasn't invited I'm his Beta."

"Face it Ace, your job is now glorified Luna babysitter," I chuckled at him.

Despite my comment being meant as insult he smiled widely, "You're right I've been entrusted with you while he is away, that is a great honor."

"You frigging wolves I can't even insult any of you."

Ace just chuckled as he divided up the bacon and pancakes he had made before sitting down with me.

"You seem quite chipper this morning by the way," Ace commented, mouth half full of bacon.

I rolled my eyes and frowned, "I'm not allowed to enjoy it here now?"

"That's definitely not what I said," he laughed, "I meant I'm glad you're in a good mood."

I smirked to let him know I was messing with him. Me and Ace passed the next couple hours going out and getting groceries for the pack house and watching Nailed It! Both of us insisting we could do better than the competitors and win each episode, despite knowing in our heart of hearts that is absolutely false. I missed Dax and Draven though despite the fun and misguided dreams of Ace and our afternoon.

Ace had gotten up to get us more snacks for our binge when I heard his phone go off.

"Hey Alpha!" Ace's voice carried from the kitchen and my heart fluttered a little bit.

However I guess Draven or Dax told him to shut it down because I didn't hear him say another word.

He plopped back down handing me my bowl of popcorn huge goofy smile on his face.

"When is he gonna be back?" I tried to hide the eagerness in my tone, I was hoping it was soon.

"He said he's sorry but it won't be until tomorrow." I tried to keep the disappointment from my face as I took in Ace's wide wolfish grin

"So you're smiling like an idiot because its such an honor to be my babysitter that long?"

He chuckled and composed himself nodding before pressing start on the next episode. Luke and Lex came in halfway through the next episode and quickly hogged all the snacks. Though at that point I surrendered mine I had definitely eaten too much junk.

Ruth came in shortly before dinner shaking her head at myself and the three wolf men who were still watching episodes of Nailed It! With the remains of snacks strewn about. It looked very much like a teenage slumber party instead of four adults watching television together.

"This is for you dear. Draven let me know he was going to be away, and it can be very hard to sleep without your mate."

I shook the shimmering periwinkle liquid.

Darkest Before DawnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora