Chapter 8

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As time passes, my anxiety grows uncontrollable. As soon as I reached the palace, I immediately started to look for Lilian. My heart raced as I weaved through the bustling corridors, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of her familiar face.

The weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air, intensifying my anxiety with each passing moment. I need her Now. I need The Empress to be formed by her that he tried to assault. According to what he said, is considered as an assault in this world. Mother only listens to Lilian. If she ever cared for Evory, Ugh, now is not the time.

I try to calm my mind.

"Lady Evory!" My personal maid, Emily, comes running towards me, her face flushed with urgency. She takes a moment to catch her breath before continuing, "I've been waiting for your return. Lady Lilian is..." she hasitates to say further. She casts a quick glance, wondering if this is the right time or not. My impatience doesn't wait any longer. I grab her by her shoulders and say, "Lady Lilian, what?" She flinches, then continues,

"Lady Lilian is in distress... She's been abducted by a group of rebels," Emily gasps out, her voice filled with worry. I feel a surge of adrenaline rush through me as I process Emily's words.

"No," I mutter. This wasn't mentioned in the novel. She was never kidnapped unless Evory planned one on her.

"Lady Evory....?" Emily looks at me, worried. My eyes widen as I process her words. My breathing stops midway, and I felt like I would faint anytime. Lilian is not here, which means there is no one who can save me from Lucas's and Empress's wrath if words get out about the incident.

but, to my surprise, I wasn't terrified about that anymore. Just as soon as I heard about Lilian's kidnapping, my heart sank as if I'd lost something really important. as if saving her unharmed is the only thing that is roaming in my head. I might die if anything happens to her. Everyone will definitely point fingers at me.

The weight of responsibility for Lilian's safety weighed heavily on me; if anything happens to her, the blame is most likely to fall on my shoulders. The words repeats in my head.

My mind races with thoughts of how to rescue Lady Lilian from the rebels. Without wasting another moment, I turn to Emily and say, "Tell me everything you know." Emily hesitates for a moment, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. She takes a deep breath and begins to recount every detail.

"Lady Lilian went to see the celebration at the town with Sir Noah, but... they were maybe lost, thus, Lady Lilian was abducted before Sir Noah could notice. he looked for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. So, Sir Noah came to get help from the palace. The knights are already heading out." Emily's voice trembles, her eyes filled with worry.

"I must join the knights immediately; prepare my horse, please," I declare, my mind already formulating a plan to navigate through the treacherous rebel territory.

As I make my way towards my chamber to get ready, she stands in my way. "No, lady Evory, you must not do that. If the empress learns of your departure, she will be furious," she pleads, her voice filled with concern.

I pause for a moment, considering her words, but my It's useless. no matter what I have to go rescue her because my life depends on her survival.

"I understand the risks, but I cannot stand idly by while the princess, soon to be empress, is under threat. Also, it's an insult to our kingdom. I will find a way to ensure the empress remains unaware of my departure." I respond firmly. "I have no one else besides her, and I'm more than capable; you don't have to worry," I say with a smile.

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