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Dominik and Lev stood outside of the kitchen, arms crossed tightly as they spoke in hushed voices. "Ты должен сказать ей, Доминик," Lev hissed in their native language.

you need to tell her, dominik

The mafia leader sneered, it was the first full day he's been back since his hunt for those responsible for attacking his wife. Early in the morning, Aleksei, Dima, and him presented all the information to Lev for an open discussion on what is the best plan of action. Normally, Dominik made his own decisions almost immediately. But now, reluctantly after realizing Salina's father is the main problem, he consulted with Lev.

"Я полностью осознаю." Dominik bit out as he scratched the back of his neck. At the base of it, Lev caught sight of a hickey on his skin and shuddered in disgust.

i'm fully aware

Seeing this, Dominik smirked. "What? You don't like it? I think it's a nice addition to the collection," he moved the top of the shirt to show the marks all over his collar. His brow raised in amusement when Lev blanched. "Stop it, you defile her."

"Right now I'd say she defiled me," Dominik snickered as he walked backwards into the kitchen. Lev swatted at him as he lifted the bottom of the shirt to show them leading down his abs, Dominik cackled before turning and almost running into his wife. Salina screeched, making sure she didn't spill the mug she was holding.

Dominik covered her hand from the hot coffee that splashed, letting it burn him instead. Salina hissed and held his hand, "You idiot, you need a new bandage now."

He grunted and let her cut off the bandage covering the stab wound on his hand, taking the new bandages she'd passed over begrudgingly. "I made you coffee," Salina reminded him as she was in the middle of flat ironing her hair.

She was dressed casually, Dominik loved seeing every side of her through her outfits. Salina dressed to the nines and took great care in how she presented herself, while it benefited them both business wise he knew she did it for herself. And that's what made him appreciate it most. But these casual outfits that made her look even more at home in their house made everything more surreal about their marriage. It was like he could see her in every inch of the house.

Salina ignored his staring as usual, half of her hair was pinned up so she could finish it. She passed Lev a cup of the tea he liked while Aleksei and Dima walked in. She walked out to grab another hair clip as Dominik grabbed his new favorite mug from the cupboard.

When Aleksei caught sight of it, he immediately opened his mouth when he saw the misshapen, bumpy ceramic mug. Dominik glared sharply at him, "Watch your words carefully. When she comes in you tell her this is the best goddamn mug you've ever fucking seen. Matter of fact? Don't say shit because she'll know you're lying. She's got a fucking sixth sense or something and she barely let me keep this one." Dominik held the mug protectively. It was a nice navy blue, his favorite color, and DA + SC was painted at the bottom. He'd found it in the trash by the kiln he bought her last week and had to wrestle it away from her to keep it.

Aleksei covered his mouth, snorting loudly as Dima elbowed him. "It's nice boss." Dominik only sneered at them, filling it with coffee as his wife walked back in to sit at the counter and straighten her hair while everyone ate the breakfast she made with Lev. But she paused when everyone was already looking at her. She faltered, her sneaky eyes darting from Dominik sipping on his coffee and the other three looking at her.

"You're very good at pottery, hun," Lev smiled genuinely but Aleksei cackled loudly. Snarling, Dominik chucked the nearest thing- a plate- at Aleksei's head to which he ducked as Salina began yelling. "I told you to throw it away, Dominik!" He winced as her voice pitched with her anger.

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