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Ch 27: The Runner Returns

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The van stopped before it reached us, and the door opened as Trent got out.

"Did you find your son?" Daniel asked, earning a curious glance from Regan.

"I did," he said, "and I even got to hug him and my wife."

"What brings you down here?" Nicky asked, juggling the elastic-bound ducky in her hands like she was itching to throw it at someone, likely Daniel. "It certainly couldn't have been my dancing moves."

"Ah, no. A neighboring Stronghold brought us word of your radio messages about the unranked ferals coming out of the cities to the southeast. I came to see what I could do to help."

I added up the days in my head. "You left your family only a day or two after the controlex finished to come help us?"

His eyes met mine solemnly. "They are safe where they are. I prefer to stop the ferals before they get close to my family, so here I am."

I really had to ask Logan how he worded those radio transmissions for Trent to have decided to come down here. Perhaps it was a good thing Daniel made a few extra traps.

"If you were expecting to join a war party, I'm afraid the reality is much different," Daniel said. "Nina has the original notes, so she's researching those. We know the drug is slowly wearing off, but in the meantime, we're still trying to come up with ways to protect the remaining Strongholds."

"You're just letting them run amuck?" Trent asked in disbelief.

Daniel shrugged. "There are too many unranked to lock up, and I'm reluctant to kill every one I come across since Nina thinks she has a lead on helping them regain their sanity. I knocked quite a few unconscious yesterday, but that will only buy us an extra three or four weeks of time. What were you thinking of doing?"

"We can't just sit here and do nothing," the Runner stated, frowning.

"Thankfully, there are only a handful of Strongholds in the area or around Kennewick. I plan to check on the remaining ones to the east today and make sure they aren't trapped inside their fences. Trinity and Nicky were going to build a cage so the humans can dose the unranked and regular ferals with controlex so they lose interest in humans."

"The controlex works on the unranked?"

"Yes. Nina will have a batch of controlex ready by noon, and I believe she was going to ask Trinity if she could use some on the handful of unranked zombies lingering in the town to the south. So far, it looks like most of the unranked are following the old-world towns along the highway, which is why we're seeing so many here. Most other places have only seen a couple."

Trent's frown deepened. "Perhaps, but it only takes one zombie, as several Strongholds learned the hard way. I can help inject the unranked with controlex. I can speak from experience how effective it is."

"I'll let Nina know. Would you also be willing to go into Kennewick and the surrounding cities in search of stronger unranked ferals?"

"If it's to give them the controlex, I'll volunteer in a heartbeat," he said resolutely.

Regan joined the discussion. "Since another sane zombie will be present for a while, I will check on Rainier Stronghold and inform them of what is happening. Their diversion fences will likely need some repairs, but I shall return tomorrow or the day after."

"I appreciate all the effort you put into guarding this place," Daniel said. "Thank you."

Regan nodded and disappeared into the trees, apparently far more impatient to return "home" than he had been letting on. I wasn't sure if I'd miss the powerful defender that I had been able to rely on or if I'd be able to relax a bit knowing there wasn't another Nightstalker in the vicinity. I'd probably figure it out by tomorrow morning.

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