Chapter 30 - The Epilogue

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Stephen slowly helped you up the stairs of the sanctum. His arm wrapped around your waist as you clung to him for support. After a month, you had finally started to heal to the fullest, something along the lines of broken this and sprained that and snapped this and shredded that.

It was all medical jargon you weren't quite bothered to know; Stephen had decidedly taken it all up himself.

You struggled not to limp for a few weeks, letting your body heal properly without magic or anything of the type. Could you complain? Stephen was taking care of you like a queen.

So as you finally took the last step up the stairs, he pushed open the door and held it there until you finally moved onto the sanctum terrace.

It had always been dreary and pitiful, to say the least. While Wong had done his best to keep it fruitful with flora, it hadn't survived so well in the past due to duties taking up everyone's time.

However, this was a wild change. Flowers and fruits were sprouting with a lingering magic felt within the soil. At the centre of it all was what caught your eyes first, a patch of daisies blossoming like a meadow of joy and hope. The yellow cascaded with the white like a halo above chiming angels, bees buzzing by the hives at one end and a candle-lit dinner illuminated by the sunset on the other.

"What is this?" You look at him curiously, following him towards the table where he pulled out your seat and made sure you were settled.

"Well, I thought it would be nice to have a relaxing evening," he mumbles, sitting down across from you. "Do you... like it?"

"Did you do all this?"

He shrugs, "With some magic, but those bees were not cooperating," he laughs, opening the lids over two plates to reveal your favourite dish. "Hopefully, this is okay too?"

"Doctor, are you trying to romance me?" You take a sip of wine he had poured for you.

"Is it working?" He leans on his knuckles with a grin.

"Maybe," you lean forward as well, matching his grin. "So, what's the occasion?"

He waves his hand in the air, "Let's see how this goes, and then we can discuss,"


His hand held yours the whole time, moments of comfortable silence as you both ate your food or enjoyed the ombré from orange to midnight blue.

With an extra touch given at the end, you both eventually settled on the bench with a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries.

"Did you know chocolate and strawberries are an excellent aphrodisiac?" He notes, taking a bite of another.

"Ah, so you're just trying to seduce me," you nod with a small smile.

His hand pulled you closer, leaning to your ear, "Aren't you a smart girl?" He chuckles gently before kissing your heated cheek. "But not exactly... just yet, at least,"

You stayed silent to save yourself from the embarrassment of stuttering and stammering through a response.

"This is me more formally asking you of something," he looked at you with something you hadn't quite ever seen from him. Nervousness? Fear? Not a fear you've seen before, but... "I would like to make this official. Us, I mean,"

His words struck you instantly. My god, he was adorable when he was nervously formal. "You want us to be official? Like dating official?"

He caught your grin and sighed, "Yes, yes,"

"Oh come on, put more poetic diction into the question, Strange," you joke, not expecting him to go the extra mile.

But oh, did he go the extra mile. He stood up and knelt with both your hands in his. "Y/n, you are the person I know I want to spend my days and nights with; you're the person I want to wake up to and go to sleep holding. You make me question my sanity, you annoy me, you make me grow more grey hairs, but I wouldn't want anyone else but you to do so. You are my moon, star and sun, my entire universe and the only person I would give my heart to." He took a deep breath after all his words and continued, "You're more than just that, though, you're my universe, and I will love you in every universe no matter how we meet, what lives we live, the past decisions we've made. You bring me to my knees, you set my heart on fire, and if it meant being by your side for the time we have, then I would let myself burn into ashes. Y/n, I love you more than I can express, so I ask you with all my heart, will you be my girlfriend?"

You looked at him blankly. Lips opening and closing in thought of how to reply.

"Was that good enough?"

"Next time, let me record it," you match his smile, pulling him into a hug, "the answer is yes, you idiot,"

"Was it going to be yes even before the speech?" He gives a tight squeeze, nuzzling into your neck.

"Oh, without a doubt," you kiss his temple and hug him again, "without a single doubt."



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- Anna ❤️

Surrealist: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now