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I had half the mind to check the flash drive at home but I didn't want my space to be tainted with whatever it is I will find. I asked for a rare gift and he gave me this. My curiosity was about to send me through the roof.

With the tiny piece of metal clutched in my hand, I hurried made my way to the elevator, repeatedly tapping the button to my office. My feet keep tapping the ground. Time seems to drag, the elevator felt like it was going slower and slower until finally, I hear a ding and the doors part.

I hurried past Becky's empty desk and headed right into my office, making a beeline for my computer. I slip in the flashdrive and a new page opens on screen and there are four numbered folders.

I drag the mouse, moving the cursor over to the third folder and clicked it open. Everything was neatly arranged.

Embezzlement schemes.
Capital Murder.
Money siphoned.
Hidden property.
Coporate espionage.
Sexual assault chargers.
Formerly deleted evidence.

When I tapped on the Embezzlement scheme, I flinched when I see my elder brother's name, Eugene, at the top of the screen.

With shaky hands, I exit that folder and tapped on the first one and just like Eugene's,  this one was also neatly arranged.

Sexual assault charges.
Capital Murder.
Formerly deleted evidence.
Pictures you should see.
Staff complaints.
Embezzlement schemes.

I tapped on pictures you should see and let out a gasp. This folder was Kalo's. The more I scroll, the more I want to scream and pull at my hair. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck all of them. Its pictures of Kalo at what appears to be a crack house, judging by the interior. He had a white stain on his nose and he was grinning. Surrounded by women who had bruises on their face and their scantly clad bodies. There were other people there as well. The pictures gets worse and worse until the pictures turned to screen-shots of a bank statement and the large sum of money paid, the next picture was of my former driver sitting across Kalo and Eugene at what looked like a cafe.

I clicked out of the folder and stared at the last two remaining,

I needed to know.

I tapped it open and it only had three document in it, my father's gambling debt and the contract he signed, stating me as collateral. Me. The last document showed evidence of decline in productivity and output, in the company branch being handled by our father.

I hurried press the emergency button Becky and I had, we had put it just incase I couldn't find her or reach her by the phone. My heart was thrumming in my chest. Beating faster by the minute. By the time Becky gets to the office, I was pacing.

"What happened?"

"Do you have the yearly report my father sends from his branch?"

Becky whips out her iPad from thin air and begins to tap on the screen before handing it to me. I read through, scrolling to the bottom.

This was different.

Way different than the one Gio had sent and he has never lied to me since he has met me, so I know it wasn't faked, there was a stamp and everything.

"Becky, we are in trouble."

"Whatt? Muriel, what is it?"

I gesture towards my computer and she hurries towards it. She scrolls, gasping as she continues. My father owes so much money, so much money and he not only used me as collateral, he had even signed away his own share of the company away if he fails to pay and I know the name of the gambling den, they have a nasty reputation. All hell would break lose if word got out that my company is doing business or was infiltrated by a gang. Low lives.

"I have never wanted to smack your father more than I do right now."

"What do we do?"

"We fix it."

"Oh god, grandma can't find out."  This might just kill her.

I continue to pace. I asked for a rare gift and I got things I could use to permanently remove my brothers from my way but my father's own was just so much trouble. There was a fourth folder though,  I hadn't looked at that yet and Gio did say he was going to wait for my call.

I go back to the computer, side stepping Becky and clicked on the fourth and final folder. It's a pdf and the only thing written is Two weeks.

I know what he's asking for.

Of course I do.

"Becky,  cancel my appointments for the rest of the day."


I was out the door before I could even hear what she wanted to say. In the past twenty minutes or so, I had been hit with more information that I hadn't known and now here I was, on the elevator down, rushing towards a man who I had known for just a little while. The same man who had found out family secrets that even I wasn't privy to.

By the time I walked out of my building, my car was waiting out front and I got the key from the valet. I quickly got into my car, pressed the start button and peeled away from the curb, driving as fast as I could to Gio.

It took a while and several turns to get to Gio's office, the tall building even looked as intimidating as he was. When I walked in, one of the three ladies at the reception stands, big smile on her face, red scarf with the company's insignia on it.

"Welcome, how may I help you?"

"I need to see Mr. Rossi."

"Third elevator to your right, he's expecting you. His office is on the 15th" she said, reaching out and handing me a silver card. I hurried over to the elevator she mentioned and tapped the card against the scanner. The doors part and I press the right button.

I was still panicking, still feeling the heavy fast thumps of my heart, my palms were sweating but despite everything, all I knew and was sure of was, I needed to see him. He would make this better. He would make this go away.

There was a loud ding, the doors part and I stepped out.  There was a tall man waiting, wrapped up in a suit and an ID clipped to his jacket, showing his name was Rajesh.

"Mr. Aylin, welcome."

"Hi, Raj. I'm here to see your boss."

"Of course." he said with a nod and then leads me to one of the doors on this floor. There was only one large meeting room with glass walls, Raj's large desk and the one door with CEO written on it. Rajesh knocks and walks away, leaving me standing there.

I hesitated.

I could turn back. I. . . didn't really need his help. I didn't really need Gio's help. It's something I can handle. I know that and he definitely knew that as well and yet, I had come to him. I was right here, standing in front of the door.

So why wait?

Why waste time?

I reached for the door knob and pushed the door open. I took a step into the office and was hit with the light scent of oud.  It was a ridiculously large office with floor length windows, a designated sitting area to my left, his large oak desk directly in front of me, three big doors to my left.

Gio was standing there, wrapped in the same three piece suit I saw him in earlier today, looking absolutely delicious. The sight of him made my cheeks heat up and I found myself swallowing.

"I was expecting a call, not you in my office." Gio says as he leans back into his chair. "Not that I mind."

"Help me."

"This is something you can handle yourself and you know it." Gio said, looking right at me. "Take a seat, darling."

"Help me, please."

It is one thing to know what my brothers and father have done but it is another to handle it. I didn't want to be the one to do it. I have been fighting this . . . battle against my siblings and my family for years, fighting for my grandma. I've had to be stronger than ever, had to pretend that I was cold and stoic, unreachable and destructible because I didn't want my brothers to wear me down and win. I've had to take care of a company, the employees. I've had to take care of my grandma, give her three times the love she absolutely deserve so she doesn't feel sad about the disgrace she calls her child and grandchildren.

I've had to take care of everyone.

I wanted. . .  I have always wanted someone to take care of me.

And that is why I've found myself here, at Gio's office.

I knew I could handle my brothers and my father. I could come up with a plan and execute it but why should I? I knew someone who could take care of it for me. Someone who could take care of me and not just sexually.

"Gio. . ." I plead, giving him my best puppy look.

"I do like it when you beg." Gio says. "But I don't like the circumstances that led you here to my office, making you beg, so I'll take care of it." he said and I let out a sigh I hadn't know I had bee holding. He stands up from his chair, lifting his phone to his ear.

"Rajesh, tell the detectives they can start now." he said into the phone and then a second later, he tosses the phone onto the table.

"You already had a plan?"

"Of course I do. Your brothers tried to kill you and if they had been successful, heaven forbid, I wouldn't have met you and I can swear to you now that my life would have been empty, dull and dark."

"You don't even know me."

"Well, angel, I have two weeks to get to know you now." Gio said with a grin, looking so much like the big bad wolf that he is. "Have you had something to eat?"

"I think I'll just have something at home. I've got a chef."

"I'll let you be for now since it's been a long day  but we should have dinner soon, angel."

"I'm free tomorrow."

"Tomorrow it is. I'll cook for you. My driver will pick you up at seven."

Love writing Gio

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