Chapter 109

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The village school affairs were settled. Taking advantage of the slack farming season, the village chief organized the men in the village to build a school building.

Ruan Yiwen asked his classmates from the county school to inquire about it and found two scholars and one boy to come to the village to teach. One of them is good at arithmetic, which was specially requested by Ruan Yimian.

These three people are all old and disillusioned with the imperial examination and becoming official officials. They also had teaching experience, so it was appropriate for them to come to the village to learn how to be teachers.

However, many scholars are a little arrogant, especially those who are admitted as scholars.

Shanliu Village is remote and the children taught are not yet enlightened. Fearing that they would not be happy, Ruan Yiwen, the village chief and several clan elders went there in person.

Seeing that they were very sincere and came to visit with the new imperial examination candidates, and that the promised salary was also good, the three of them accepted the job.

Everything is being prepared in an orderly manner. After next spring, the children in the village will be able to go to the village to study.

Although it is a school built by everyone, children still have to pay some money and food to go to school. It's not much, but it's just a small thing.

Firstly, it can subsidize village schools, and secondly, it can make children and their parents pay more attention to this matter.

Because after attending school for twenty days, they still have to pass the school examination to determine whether they can stay in the village to study, so the children have a special sense of urgency.

Whether it is a boy, a girl, or a little brother, they are all told by their parents - "You must not lose to so-and-so next door" and "You must work hard to stay in school."

Children in the village begin to share housework at the age of eight or nine. Most of them are precocious and sensible. It doesn't take their parents to say much to understand that this opportunity to study is hard-won.

The little brother and the girl knew that Ruan Yimian spent a lot of money to win this opportunity for them, so they cherished it very much.

Some older people came to thank Ruan Yimian with wild fruits they had picked. Ruan Yimian was moved and pleased.

Many girls and boys were determined not to lose to the boys, and the boys were equally unwilling to be outdone.

Even before the village school started, the children were getting ready in advance. They begged their parents to make a sandbox for them to learn to write. The few literate people in the village were forced to learn a few words, including Ruan Dexian.

Because of this enthusiastic and unwilling learning atmosphere, the village school has really cultivated some good talents, including boys, girls, and little brothers. These latter people have made achievements in their respective fields.

However, Ruan Yiquan wanted to come up with a special idea for Sister Lian, but ultimately failed.

After he was scolded by several clan elders, he was scolded again by his wife.

"If you are really good for Sister Lian, you should teach her well and let her stay in the village to learn based on her own abilities! Now that you have a few coins, you can use your skills in the village. If you go outside in the future, you still have this ability. Really? You have taught Sister Lian badly, can you protect her?"

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