(Arc 2) Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The Second Sacrifice

Trigger warning: Mentions of Blood, well its common in the tgcf novels.

As of today, season 2 of tgcf was released. Tell me your reactions.

"And done~" Your gege blinked twice looking at the coquette mirror in your bedroom, he was sitting on your vanity with makeup infront of him. It was a complete set, well not all, because foundation is what you lack

"Nice concealer you have meimei, and your eyeshadow palette is very aestethic" He stood up and flick his hair. In his female form he had a muscular build, his arms had muscles and 4 pack abs.

"Time to go see him~" He grinned and teleported to God knows where to set up his plan.

You wanted to join Xie Lian's parents in diplomacy meetings in a faraway kingdom called Xuli. Its the first time you've heard of such place, but instead of joining in the talk you left with his parents permission. Xie Lian stayed with them.

Infact, many mistook you for your gege, all of them did "Your excellency, good afternoon" Your gege was called excellency not grace "Ah...thank you~" Your response would make them question why you had a feminine voice despite being a male

You took delight in people's confusion and surprised looks after knowing "I'm sorry your grace! You look similar to your brother in that form, don't take it wrong, you look handsome!" They would say

Xuli had a nice touch to their capital, but you enjoyed exploring the countryside more. So you went to the outskirts with little villages. The sun's heat didn't bother you anyway.

"Ack...I burned the fish again!"

You heard a sword dropping to the ground and a young teen boy around the same age as Xie Lian

You looked over and saw he was cooking on the pot while training "Oh no... that's the last fish i had...I'm terrible at cooking" He sighed

"Excuse me" You catched his attention "I can help you with that"

"Ah...thank you gege" Your feminine voice didn't made him suspicious due to your male form, you hummed "This fish isn't that burned enough, here let me teach you how to grill them"

He originally wanted to make soup with it but epic fail. He watched in intent as you cooked the fish with instructions. When it was done you added the decorative spices like lemongrass and tomato ontop.

"Mmm! It's so good!" He savored every large bite he could take and you giggled "I'm glad you like em, so young man what's your name?"

"Pei...ming. Pei Ming" He said after swallowing the fish "Oh Pei Ming, well I'm (Name) Wu! Nice to meet ya"

He blinked more than twice at you, but then you realized you were in your male form. So with a snap of your fingers you switched to your female form "Heh, much better now"

He dropped the stick that was used to grill the fish "Y-your grace!? I-its you! I thought it was an ordinary young man...I-" You chuckled "No need to treat me formally"

His ears were pink from embarrassment "Hey now, I have an idea. Why don't I help you train? I've got some sword tricks up my sleeve...ah well i learned it from gege and papa of course"

Pei Ming as a teen was focused on becoming a soldier for Xuli's army. And then get his ranks higher. He started cultivating and sword training at 15, he was a few months later than Xie Lian's starting point. (This is just my headcanon for now)

Those two years he trained hard, he got rejected by the army once which was a year ago. But that didn't stop him. He trained and trained to achieve his goal.

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