Meet Kate Spofford

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1. What inspired you to write Mitzi & Oz?

The inspiration came from a writing exercise I did with my teen writing group (I am a YA librarian). I pulled baby name books, had them all pick 2 names and create characters that would fit those names, then write a scene where these characters met. I really fell in love with both Mitzi and Oz in that exercise and had to keep the story going.

2. Without giving too many spoilers, what was the most challenging scene of Mitzi & Oz for you to write?

The most challenging scenes to write were the ones with Mitzi's mom. It was hard to make her mom come across as someone who really does care even if her way of showing it was by being controlling and judgmental.

3. If you had to write a spin-off story about one of your characters, who would you choose and why?

I'd love to write about Reece and his brother Ryder. Reece's negative attitude was fun for me to write, and we don't get to learn his full backstory. There's definitely a lot more there.

4. What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't writing?

I've been doing aerials for over 10 years now, and over the years that has included aerial silks, flying trapeze, aerial hammock, lyra, and rope. I just love being in the air and hanging upside down. It's a really fun form of exercise!

5. Music plays a huge role in Mitzi & Oz. If you had to pick one song to represent this story, what would it be?

Oooh, that's a hard one! I made three playlists for this book: one for Mitzi, one for Oz, and a "Teen Spirit" playlist that was more about the vibe I wanted. I'm going to go with "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons off the "Teen Spirit" playlist. It's about being yourself and starting a journey of being who you are and allowing others to be who they are, too.

Huge thanks to spoffyumi for helping us kick off our author interviews. It was wonderful to get to ask such a talented Wattpad Creator about one of her underrated gems. If this interview encourages anyone to check out Mitzi & Oz, that's music to our ears!

Stay tuned for more interviews with amazing authors across the aromantic and asexual spectrums. In the meantime, stay awesome! 

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