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Please bear with me this is my first ever story and I don't know if it will turn out how I would like it to. I would love your support and comments on how to improve it along the way. This is a non-sexual book.


Bethany is a very shy and timid 17-year-old high school student who has long wavy brown hair and beautiful Bambi brown eyes. She is small for her age at only 5ft tall and very slim this is due to the neglect that she's suffered since birth. She has struggled her whole life to find her place and fit in. Her parents abuse her, if they are not hitting her they are completely ignoring her, you see her father wanted a son and was furious when the due day came and realised that he had a little girl instead, due to her fathers anger her mother could not cope with his temper anymore and decided it was best for her own safety that she hate her own child as much as her husband. Bethany's school was much that same as home, no one cared for her, she was either ignored or bullied but this did not bother her anymore as she had grown use to it. All Bethany wants is to find someone who will love her and she can love back, but she is loosing hope that this will ever happen.

Danny is a 30-year-old caregiver who is 6ft tall, slim-muscular build with blond hair and blue eyes. Danny has known since his teenage years that he was a caregiver and has always wanted a little to look after but the issue is that there isn't many little out there anymore.

Luke is a 32-year-old dominant who is 5'9ft tall, muscular built with brown hair and hazel eyes. Luke is married to Danny, and they have been together for 11 years. They met at college where they both studied business and hit it off from the start. Luke was reluctant with the idea of having a little for a few years but once he was shown from other caregiver friends of theirs what life was like he was quick to join in with the idea and along with his husband Danny and were so excited about finding their perfect little girl.

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