Chapter 19

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Although Song Lanshi's words made Lu Zhengan very surprised, he still had to live his life as he should.

By the time the cucumbers in the vegetable garden behind were dripping and hanging on the shelves, the annual poo had arrived.

Xiaoman's Day has been a traditional meeting in Hualong Town. People from eight villages around ten miles away will rush to buy sickles and straw hats on this day to prepare for the summer harvest in a few days.

Early in the morning, Lu Zhengan also went down the mountain with a backpack on his back. At this time, the small stalls selling goods in the town had already opened up. From a distance, I could see steam rising from some stalls, and I didn't know what delicious food they were selling.

Knowing that there must be a lot of people selling snacks at this temple fair, Lu Zhengan came over without eating breakfast after getting up. As we walked along the flow of people, we could hear the sounds of hawking and bargaining on the streets. Everyone had smiles on their faces, immersed in the lively atmosphere of the festival.

Smelling the various aromas coming from the street, Lu Zhengan wandered around for a while and found a stall selling steamed buns. After asking the boss for two steamed buns, a fried dough stick and a bowl of bean curd, he found an empty seat next to him. down.

After Lu Zhengan sat down, he discovered that there was a stage ten meters behind him. Although it had just arrived at Chenshi and there was still some time before the banquet started, the stage was already filled with people coming from all over to listen to the play.

The view chosen by Lu Zheng'an was just right. When he turned around, he could clearly see the actors behind the curtain who were busy dressing up, as well as the drum masters who had been prepared beside the stage.

The large temple fair, which is held rarely every year, naturally attracts many children from nearby villages to watch the fun. Everyone stepped on the wooden frame under the stage, picked up the edge of the stage and looked in.

Perhaps because there were too many people, the class leader was afraid that something might happen to the children who were watching the excitement on the stage, so he lifted the curtain and started to drive them away.

When the children saw this, they jumped off the stage and dispersed, immediately disappearing among the crowds of people.

Lu Zhengan had only seen such a lively scene in previous videos. Now that the real scene was happening before his eyes, Lu Zhengan felt as if he was in a dream.

The boss of the steamed bun stall served the food very quickly. Not long after Lu Zhengan sat down, the boss brought out all the steamed buns, bean curd and fried dough sticks on a tray.

"The buns are a little hot right after they come out of the pan. Please wait while you use them."

The boss reminded him carefully while placing the bowls and chopsticks in front of Lu Zhengan.

The boss must be an experienced craftsman. The tofu pudding in the bowl is white and soft, paired with red oil chili, diced mustard, sesame oil, and a handful of green scallions. Just looking at it will make people's fingers move. Coupled with the crispy fried dough sticks, Lu Zhengan felt that his taste buds were opened after just one bite.

At the right time, the gongs and drums sounded on the stage, Lu Zhengan turned around in response, and a female general wearing a python and a feather came out from the backstage holding a red tassel gun. Although Lu Zheng'an didn't understand traditional folk arts, he could feel the other party's solid skills just from his flexible figure and mighty and steady temperament.

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