Chapter 14

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With in the three months Alexi and I have been dating, it's been getting harder and harder to keep my wolf from marking him. And some times I consider just doing it but then I would have to tell Ali what I really am, which I still don't know if he would be ok with.

But today Ali and I are going on our second date and I've planned something special; I'm also gonna tell Ali I'm a werewolf, probably, maybe, I don't know.

I don't think he would run away screaming but then again who knows? Maybe he will. Maybe he'll hate me and reject me but I have to do it at some point. And the longer I wait the harder it gets.


These last three months have been pure bliss. My classes are great, especially math, the homecoming show went perfectly, and Cal has been the best boyfriend I could ever act for. And now Cal is taking me on our second date and I couldn't be happier.

For our date I'm dressed in purple harem pants and a tight fitted crop top colored in purple tie dye. I've tied back as much hair as possible so that the top half of my hair is up, and the bottom down. I put in only one set of earrings, a simple violet rose. For my shoes, I wear black laced sandals.

On my last date with Cal, my parents opened the door, but this time I want to, so as soon as I'm ready I wait downstairs. I'm only waiting about five minutes or so until I hear a knock at the door.

When I open it, Cal is waiting. He's wearing a white tee shirt, that hugs his broad chest perfectly, and familiar jeans that I'm pretty sure he wore on our last date. Today he's slicked back his hair with some kind of gel.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey yourself," he says and there's a small pause before he says, "you ready to go?"

"I sure am," I say as I link my arm in his and began leading him away from the house.

About half way though the drive to our destination I ask,

"Where are we going? We're headed away from town."

He just smiles and says, "you'll see." Not much of an answer but ok.

When we finally come to a stop we're in the middle of no where. We park along the side of the road and Cal leads me out of the car and into the woods. I ask again where we're going but he just gives the same answer.

We walk though the woods for about ten minutes before Cal stops.

"Close you eyes," he says. I look at him, wondering what he's up to but eventually I give and close my eyes like he says. He puts his hands on my shoulders and guides me for bit before stoping again. He removes his hands from me and says,

"Ok, you can open your eyes now."

When I open them what I see in front of me is beautiful, and no it's not Cal in front of me. There's a clearing in woods that stretches into a field of hyacinth, in all sorts of shades, illuminated by the setting sun. In the center of the field is a blanket with an array of picnic foods, crackers, cheese, sandwiches, etc.

I'm at a lose for words so I just stand there, my mouth hanging open, and take it all in. After a good amount of looking I finally say,

"Cal...this... I love it," I say turning to him and planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and leads me over to the picnic. We sit and take in this place's wonder.

"How do you know about this place?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Well my dads used to take me here all the time when I was younger. I can't really remember when exactly we stopped coming but it was a while ago. I only come here with people I love, like my dads,," he said hesitantly.

"You love me?" I ask, not believe he said what he did.

"Yeah, I do, I really do, I love you Ali," he said with full sincerity in his voice.

"Well... I love you too," I say turning to him and placing my hand on top of his. We inch closer until our lips finally meet in a kiss filled with love. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and our kiss turns into a wet, sloppy mess, but I love every second of it. He pulls me closer to him, never breaking contact, and wraps one arm around my waist and places his other hand behind my head. I shift slightly so I can wrap my arms around his neck. He bits my lip gently and I let out a soft moan.

From my lips, he moves further down, kissing along my jaw line, then down my throat to the base of my neck. He continues nipping at my skin and placing hot kisses along my neck until he reaches a spot at the back of my neck that causes me to release a loud moan.

When I do, I hear a Cal let out a growl. And he's about to kiss the same spot again when he suddenly pulls back.

"I'm sorry, Ali, but— before we continue, I- I have to tell you something," he says stuttering with worry creeping into his voice.

"Oh, alright, we'll what ever it is, you can tell me," I say supportively. He looks nervous and he starts fidgeting. I take his hand in mine and he relaxes a bit.

"Well, Im— I'm not- Im-," he can't seem to get the words out.

"Hey, Cal, listen, what ever it is it won't change my opinion of you, alright? I'll always love you," I said, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Ok, umm, Ali, I'm... a werewolf."

The Alpha's Moonlight Mate [boyXboy](Mpreg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora