Chapter 10: The Americans

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Worldbuilding: Rontak Empire Military

Melee Infantry

The backbone of a Rontak army is their heavy infantry, which bear some resemblance to Roman legionaries. Each soldier is armored with a helmet, chain mail, and plate armor in important areas, like the chest and legs. They carry a scutum shield, a six foot spear, and a gladius style short sword sheathed on their belt. Their equipment may vary slightly depending on each specific unit and its role. They are highly trained, disciplined and flexible in battle.

Conscripted Infantry

Occasionally, the Rontak Empire will conscript local villagers into their armies to bolster their numbers. The conscripts are given minimal training and are usually used to tire out the enemy or serve as a diversion.

Ranged Infantry

Rontak ranged infantry are lightly armored, but trained to use a variety of long range weapons. Each soldier is proficient with a javelin, sling, and bow. They don't carry all three with them into battle, but can use whatever type of weapon is available or most advantageous in a given situation. Bows are typically used against wyverns performing strafing runs. Arrows are not much threat to a wyvern's life, but they can puncture its wings and cause considerable pain, reducing its ability to fly.


Cavalry plays an important part in any military and the Rontak Empire is no exception. They use a mix of light, medium, and heavy cavalry based on the tactical situation and what is available to the general. Cavalry equipment has considerable variation throughout different armies.


Enslaved minotaurs are the Rontak Empire's heaviest shock troops. They are hard hitting offensive units, with equipment to match. They have similar armor as regular infantry but with weapons scaled appropriately for their larger size. Less disciplined than regular infantry, minotaurs' main role in combat is to break enemy lines and morale with their thunderous charge. Minotaurs are incredibly effective in close melee against weaker opponents.

Centaur Cavalry

Cavalry is devastating in combat, and with an extra pair of arms, centaur cavalry is even more effective. The centaurs have full plate armor on their front to offer more protection during a full frontal charge and leather or chainmail armor on their bodies. Riders are paired with centaurs based on their dominant hands, when possible; left handed centaurs are paired with right handed riders and vice versa. This allows each side of the cavalry to attack the enemy and be protected by a shield during melee. Unlike regular cavalry, centaurs can charge directly into solid blocks of enemy troops, offering new tactical options for the general.


Although not very magically adept, the Rontak Empire maintains a small number of battle mages. These mages are trained in both large scale battle magic and individual magic. They are sometimes sent on scouting or sabotage missions against the enemy before the main battle takes place.

Attached to an army in battle, battle mages can create magic shields completely encompassing a group of soldiers, protecting them from enemy wyverns, mages, and ranged weapons. They can also unleash an assortment of casting magic on the enemy. Rontak battle mages primarily use fireballs to attack the enemy as pseudo artillery; it's simple, easy to learn, and mana efficient. A few battle mages are adept enough to employ more unique magical attacks such as: ensnaring vines, summoning golems, illusions, elemental attacks, and some can even manipulate the terrain to be more advantageous. The Rontak Empire may not have the best battle mages, but they make excellent tactical use of what magic they have.

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