Three's Company

103 3 8

Charlotte Katakuri

This one won't make my list of favorites, I don't think. It was so hard to write for no reason. I'll blame Flampe.

Also, happy birthday to Kata!




You braced yourself to suffer through yet another date set up by your family. You only hoped it wasn't another potential investor with weird ideas. You were assaulted with a full body shiver and a grimace at just the memory of the last one.

They had seemed particularly excited about this date which only furthered your unease.

You had arrived at the restaurant early. Perhaps too early, you thought as you nursed a glass of water.

Your table was located on the deck of The Baratie, giving you a breathtaking view of the ocean. The sun sat just above the horizon, painting the sky in soft pinks and oranges; the colors reflected in the gentle waves.

It really was the best seat in the house, you mused, chin resting in your palm. It was just unfortunate that it was also attached to some less than pleasant memories. Every single one of the blind dates your family sent you on was at The Baratie. And every single time they reserved the same table.

Every. Single. Time.

You drummed your fingers mindlessly against the table, wondering what dish you would have this time. You were certain you had tried everything they had to offer by now. Maybe Zeff had finally added something new.

You had no idea how much time had actually passed when a large shadow fell over you. You almost expected it to be a waiter checking in, if not Zeff himself.

He made it a point, if he could manage, to personally greet his regulars and more high profile guests.

The man that loomed over you was definitely not the chef.

Short crimson hair and sharp, calculating eyes. You felt like he could see your inner most thoughts with that stare; you felt bare before him despite being fully dressed.

The lower half of his face was hidden behind a black mask. His dark grey dress shirt hugged his form, tucked into black dress slacks.

You had never seen him in person, but you knew the man without introduction. Everyone knew the Charlottes and the one before you was one of the eldest of the sweets mogul's children.

"An urgent matter came up and my sister was left in my charge when I had been informed that you had already arrived."

It was then that you noticed the young girl at his side. Her hands were curled into fists at her own sides, her cheeks puffed out and a pout on her lips.

Your lips parted in surprise, unsure what to say at first. Your family's threats about what would happen if the date didn't go well came to mind and you forced a smile.

"There's no reason we can't keep our date." You replied, stealing a glance back at the girl. "I'm sure they could bring another chair for your sister."

Katakuri gave a subtle nod before waving over one of the wait stuff.

While you hadn't had even an inkling to your date's identity until he arrived, you weren't surprised that he already knew your name. Actually, he knew far more about you than you found yourself comfortable with.

Digging up all that information? Didn't it defeat the purpose of a blind date? Or perhaps you were the only one that was expected to go into this blind.

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