Crawl through hell

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Kate's pov:

I forced my hands and feet to get up, I wasn't this weak. I couldn't be, not right now.

Not when he put his life in danger just to save my insignificant one.

I dragged my weak limbs and looked around the car, but the flames were too hot for me to go anywhere near it.

I rubbed my eyes, pushing through the tears. "Rome," I called out.


"Rome!" I screamed, going around the car.

I ran franatically through the fields, shouting his name, screaming, crying.

The last time I'd felt this way was when mumma was on her death bed.

Her flail hands holding onto me tenderly. The knowledge of having the only person that ever really loved me, being taken away from me jabbing at my heart.

Leaving it into the hollow of a shell, after that day I never cried untill I really missed. I couldn't feel my emotions, couldn't let them out of process them for thirteen years of my life.

Thirteen years of an absolute hollow of a chest, with a lifeless heart inside, untill Rome and his family came along. And changed everything.

"Don't leave me, please." I choked on a sob.

And then I saw a mane of black hair, my heart thundering in my chest. Fuck fuck fuck.

I ran towards it as fast as I could. My heart stopped when I reached infront of it, the world moving in slow motion.

I dropped to my knees, "Rome," I could barely hear my own voice.

"Rome," I repeated, gently putting his head over my lap and tucking his hair back.

He stirred, and then slowly very slowly opened his eyes.

Shit fuck it's okay he's fine, he's alive here with me.

"Rome, stay with me please" I pleaded, pushing him.

A tear drop slipped from my cheek to his, he moved his hand to wipe my cheek but then groaned.

"Fuck don't move bastard." I yelled.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he said, trying to get up ignoring all my protests.

He sat up straight now, staring at me, his eyes shined mirroring the emotions in my head.

And before I knew, my lips were on his, I pulled him closer from the nape of his neck. I clinged onto him like if I let go the world would try to take him away from me again.

A lone tear slipped from my eyes, I pulled away looking at him, "I thought- I thought I lost y-" he cut me off by crushing his lips to mine again.

His lips moving so feverishly, like he poured out all the emotions he couldn't say into the kiss.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, his warmth wrapping around me like a blanket. It felt so right, to be just here, in his arms, I felt safe. A feeling I was always alien to.

We pulled back, our eyes jumping between each other's. There was silence but a million things being said in it. Our longing stares at each other. The way we were squeezing each other, not ready to let go.

"I'd crawl through hell and leave behind heavens for you baby," he said, the sincerity in his voice and heart making my chest squeeze.

I- this man- no. Fuck I needed to take care of him first.

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