thirty-five; i need you

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At some point I manage to get Reign close enough to the house, I shift back into my human form and pull on some clothes as quickly as possible. I have no idea where Everett is but I'm sure he's on his way.

I lift Reign into my arms, her head limp against my shoulder as I rush towards the house. Her blonde hair is darting in all sorts of directions, the occasional blood splatter makes my heart sink. Please be okay. Please.

"Milo," I hear my brother's voice from beside me. I glance over my shoulder but his eyes are settled on his mate between my arms. The devastation and pain in them is evident but he says nothing more.

Everett holds out his arms and I place her in them, he clutches her to his chest and he presses a delicate kiss against her forehead. His eyes roaming her face in a panic. Then he rushes off inside, down to the infirmary to get her some help.

The blood didn't stop, she continued to bleed on the entire journey over. I have no idea if she's going to be able to heal, I've never seen a wolf lose so much blood and remain conscious—or barely.

I follow Everett down to the infirmary. It's packed, other members dragging in their loved ones to get checked out. Everett demands Reign a bed and one is made for her pretty quickly.

Everett lays her down on the bed and then pulls up her skintight t-shirt that is practically in pieces. I almost gag when I notice one of the cuts are so deep that I can see her insides, intestines especially.

"I'm right here, angel," Everett's voice is low and wobbly. He brushes back her hair and kisses her forehead again. "Everything is going to be okay. I promise everything is going to be okay."

I hope he's right because I can't bear the thought of losing her. Of either of us losing her. My heart clenches in my chest as one of the pack doctors rushes to her side and pushes Everett away. I glance at him and he looks lost, helpless. As I approach his side, I expect him to push me off because he doesn't usually deal with this sort of thing well.

But I want to be there for my brother like he's been there for me. Even if I'm in pieces and fearful of what might happen to her if they don't heal her wounds in time. I clench my eyes shut, not wanting to think about that possibility.

Because it's not a possibility. She is the pack's Luna. She will pull through.

We all know how brave she is, how strong she is. She's been through hell and back before, something like this shouldn't phase her. I know she fought hard, with everything she had and it's resulted in her taking a sacrifice for the rest of the pack.

I stop by Everett's side, his gaze set forward and eyes hard like granite. He's trying his hardest to keep it together, to not let his emotions get the better of him before we know anything.

"We're going to need to operate," the doctor explains and Everett's brows crease. "She has silver lodged inside her and that's why she is refusing to heal. We need to get it out of her as soon as possible and then stitch her back up."

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