The Strange Man

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Three
The strange man

Mia Ahara

I groaned as I awoke to a massive headache. It was worse than a hangover. My body felt heavy as if I had gotten hit by a bus. Inspecting my surroundings, I saw that I was in an unfamiliar room. How did I get here?

I sat for a moment to recall, and then it all came rushing back. I jumped off the bed and almost fell over. My feet and my ribs were burning. There were bandages wrapped around my feet. Looking around the room, I saw no Lee. Where's my baby? Where's Lee? I panicked.

"Lee!" I called as if he could answer me, then a thought hit me, what if someone stole him!?

"Lee!" I shouted as I ran out of the room. My motherly instinct took over. I didn't know where I was going but I ran until I saw stairs, I sprinted to get to the bottom.

At the end of the stairs, I saw two women and two men. One of the men was holding a bundle, a baby, perhaps... Lee.

"Lee?" I questioned out loud. The man holding the bundle looked at me, then at the bundle in his arms. He walked closer to me, and indeed, it was Lee. The man gave Lee to me.

"Mama, mama" Lee babbled

"Hi my baby" I greeted

"What's your name?" The man inquired. I debated whether or not I should tell him my name, seeing as I'm in his house, I decided to answer.

"Mia" I told barely above a whisper

"And I guess he's Lee" I took a look at my baby and nodded my head hesitantly.

"Last name?" He interrogated. What's with the interrogation? I wondered. A tear escaped my eyes as I recalled once again how I ran away from Jacob.

"Carlton" I answered with distaste.

"Hey just like Michael" the younger woman said. I took a step away from the group. I will never make a mistake of trusting a man with that last name again.

"You know what, I'm sorry for bothering you guys. I'm just gonna go" I head towards the door but stopped when the man that was holding Lee appeared before me.

"Please let me go, I won't come back" I pleaded in tears.

"Why would I want that love?" He asked as he walked around me "You know, once I take liking to someone or something, they officially become mine." The man said.

Please God, not another psychopath I can't take anymore of this. I have to live for Lee... Wait, did he say like, who does he like?

"What do you mean?" I inquired, taking a step backward. Why do these things keep happening to me?

"You belong to me now, Mia, and as for your son, he's now under my care"

"Leonardo you can't-" the elderly lady started but got cut off when the man said "Mom please leave us" I shook my head vigorously telling the woman not to leave me, she didn't listen and went away.

I was too tired to stand up any longer, and my feet were burning, so I cautiously walked past the man, whose name I learned was Leonardo, and sat on the couch. My eyes were now hurting because I've cried so much these past days.

"He's going to come for his son, you know" I told him while caressing Lee's chubby cheeks.

"Is Lee's father the one you're running from?" He inquired. He looked ready to kill, which confused me.

"Why should I tell you anything?" I demanded angrily

"Because I can protect you, Mia, and I can protect your son." Was all he said.

"I don't trust you, and I don't know you, so why would you do that?"

"Because I want to" there was silence "Come I'll show you to your room" he said.

"I didn't say I was staying" I said.
"As if you have a choice" he scoff "Let's go"

Leonardo took me to a room. It wasn't the one that I woke up in. It was very beautiful and it smelled so great "Do you like it?" He asked. I nod my head 'yes'

"It's beautiful" I told him. He waited in the room for a while, I didn't have the strength to stay up any longer, so I slept.

When I woke up, Leonardo wasn't there, so I gave Lee a bath and then showered myself. Why does he want me to stay? Is he like Jacob? But he said he can protect Lee and I. Am I willing to believe what he said? I don't think so, I don't know if I can ever trust men again.

I looked through the window and saw that it was getting dark. I sigh in disappointment. I wish I had a normal life. My parents probably want nothing to do with me after what I've done. They most likely never want to see me again.

There was a gentle knock on the door, Lee crawled closer to the edge of the bed and eyed the door curiously. I grabbed him and placed him on my lap. I tapped his nose lightly.

"You're too curious for your own good" I sighed.

"Mia" I heard a feminine voice called from outside the door, I almost forgot that someone knocked.

"Come in" I permitted

The door opened and revealed the young woman that I saw earlier in the day. "Hi Mia" she greeted


"I'm Isabelle, Leonardo's sister" she then introduces

"Okay" I replied

There was an awkward silence "Well mom made dinner, and she told me to invite you"

I wanted to refuse, but I was starving, and I haven't been eating well. I got up with Lee. Isabelle smiled and started leading the way to the dining room.

Leonardo, his mother, and Michael were already at the table. Leonardo indicated that I should sit beside him, I did so.

Leonardo mother had prepared spaghetti and meatball. When I placed some on my plate, Lee leaned forward and grabbed a handful of it. He immediately threw it away and screamed in pain. The spaghetti was hot.

"Lee why would you do that?" I scowled, he screamed even more. I hurried to the sink and turned on the tap. I placed his tiny hands under the running water. Leonardo came and gave me a hand towel. I dried my baby's hand and placed the towel on the counter.

I lulled Lee for a while until he settled down. Everyone around the table was quiet. I ate and fed Lee quietly and awkwardly. After finishing dinner, I went straight to the room that was given to me.

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