The Lake

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My knees give out from underneath me, I reach out to the table just in time to steady myself. My hands are shaking aggressively. My breath trembles and my vision blurs. Images of Willow flash before my eyes. The memories we made, running along the hills, braiding her manes, the way she always seemed so happy to see me.

The things I love most in this world are taken from me, the things that loved me most. They made me feel somewhat normal and appreciated, and now they're gone. They were ripped away from my grasp, along with my freedom and happiness. I have nothing left, no one left.

I stay unresponsive to the voices echoing in this room, the room where only bad things seem to happen, I know they're saying things yet I can't comprehend the words, and I don't want to understand them either.

I set some unsteady steps towards the door, I hit my shoulder on the doorframe and topple backwards. Once I've regained my balance, I stumble out of the room.

I flash in and out of consciousness as I try to make my way through the hall. I bump into the wall and let my hands slide along it as I'm walking, in an attempt of keeping balance. Black spot keep appearing in my eyesight, it feels as if I'm dreaming and watching it all unfold through my own eyes.

I don't know where I'm going, but I know I need to get away from those people. The people who ruined my life. What's the point of being here now? I have nothing left.

POV Nicholas:

I sit slumped down in my seat, leaning my elbow on one of the arms of the chair while I fumble with the single golden ring that I usually wear on my pinky finger. The light from the window behind me reflects on the ruby stone, little streaks of red dance along my hand as I move it around. I study my hand. It has no callus whatsoever, my hands still as unblemished as the day I was born. I have never done any physical labour, and I cannot imagine doing it. I could never follow another's commands. It's pathetic.

I sigh in boredom. The queen left the room shortly after she left so dramatically. It was obviously all an act to receive some pity. An embarrassing attempt to get out of her punishment, she deserved every bit it of it. I hope to destroy everything that brings her joy.

I was looking forward to her getting better, so I could see her face when she got caught, but the news we are getting married after all, ruined my day. It's not going to happen, I don't care what I have to do, even if I have to squeeze her airways shut with my bare hands again, I will do anything to cease this arrangement.

I just cannot fathom having to see her face every day for the rest of my life. Feeling the things she makes me feel, while having to smile and act like a pair for everyone else. All an act and I can't play it while I feel this ache in my chest. I have never felt this immense hate for something in my life before, she brings out my darkest side. It's the little things, like the way she's so reckless and the way she never fails to thank the servants even though it is their job. The way she gets so excited when her favourite dish is served, and the way she is such a know-it-all. She can be so grateful and kind, yet at the same time disciplines everyone no matter their rank without a second thought. She is stupid for that and it makes me think of her.

The doors barge open and I almost drop the ring when I sit up in reflex. "She has not been found yet." The queen states.

"I'm sure she is fine." Father tries to comfort her. She probably isn't fine. I couldn't care less about where she went, I hope she never comes back so I can live a peaceful life, which means without her in it. I would quite literally prefer anyone else as my wife.

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