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Ch. 30: Aamon's Alibi

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I let Rhys's woodsy aroma ground me as we sat in two adjacent armchairs facing an audience of conference attendees. Every now and then, I took a sip from my water bottle, and then gave the audience a congenial smile. Rhys did the same. As we waited for the moderator to begin the session, he occasionally leaned towards me, spouting catch phrases like "you got this" and "don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous," I whispered back to him, even though my sweaty palms and shallow breath said otherwise.

Today had to go well. We needed to show Sury that the positive vibe within the conference center hallmarked the true relationship between humans and werewolves. And this energy needed to outshine the chaotic negativity swirling outside the building.

Truth be told, I wasn't sure we could pull this off. No matter how much we smiled, no matter how good the banter was between Rhys and me, or how much Aamon's washboard abs would make the audience swoon, none of it could undo Zara's murder or the other unsettling events of the past month and a half. Vicki remained missing and I lived daily with the knowledge that I might be interacting with the person responsible for her leaving this world. Hell, if I wasn't a werewolf myself, I might have found myself on the streets outside calling for vengeance.

This day needed to go well, but more than anything, we needed justice to be served. If I couldn't give the humans of Sury that, all would be lost.

I had no chance to dwell on this. The moderator, a news anchor for a local channel that I rarely watched, took her place on stage, sitting on a stool to our left. She straightened her skirt, tossed her platinum blond hair over her shoulder, and got down to business.

"Welcome to Apex's Bi-Annual Meet the Heroes of Surry Conference." She paused for the audience's applause. "I'm here this morning with Calla Bardot, Crown Pack's Luna, and of course, you all know Apex's Alpha, Mr. Rhys Rawlings."

Rhys and I waved at the audience as they cheered. It felt good to have a positive response, but I scanned the room anyways, searching for the faces of anyone who might not be so enthusiastic to be in the same room with us. Several people weren't clapping. A few even scowled. None of that was enough to assume the worst, however.

"I have a few questions for you myself, and then we'll take some from our audience," the moderator said. "First, tell us, have tensions between your packs eased since the two of you began working together? Because, historically speaking, you are not friends or even friendly, is that right?"

She was so right. In my opinion, my position at Apex wasn't about decreasing rivalry. My job was to repair the reputation of werewolves within the city, for the sake of us all. Crown and Apex could go on hating each other if they insisted, squabbling over territory and inter-pack pettiness for the rest of time. Besides, if Rhys and I still couldn't see eye to eye, how could we expect the rest of our packs to.

"It's funny you mention that, Barbara," Rhys said. "Because I've been thinking a great deal about how our packs interact. Working with Ms. Bardot has certainly helped me see Crown in a new light. I have a great deal of respect for her and for her mother, who as everyone knows is a towering figure in this city and well beloved for a reason. So, while it's true that we are historical enemies, and the tension hasn't disappeared, I do see a measurable decrease in it. A mutual understanding. I think there's hope. Wouldn't you agree, Calla?"

Rhys certainly knew how to put on a show. I gave him a smile that wasn't entirely for the sake of the audience. This was exactly the kind of answer I'd wanted him to provide. I just hadn't quite expected it.

"I whole-heartedly agree," I said. "When I walked into Apex Headquarters for my first day on the job, I had all sorts of preconceived expectations. But what I quickly came to realize was that we have more in common than we ever thought. We care about our packs and our communities. We care about keeping this city safe for its human residents. Forty-six million souls in Sury...how could any single pack bring forth the justice you have asked us to provide? No, Apex and Crown do not see eye to eye on many issues. The Tally Marshlands, for instance."

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by Amber K Bryant
He's the Alpha... but she's in charge. Rhys and Calla are the eldest...
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