Chapter 5-Brayden

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As Brayden walked down the hall with Rowan, she couldn't help but notice some of the guys, and even some of the girls, looking at her with narrowed eyes. She reached up to touch her hair to see if it was sticking up or if there was gum in it, but it was all clear. She wondered whether Ashton Philips had spread around the word that she was Public Enemy number 1. Just how much power did the guy have that he could manage to turn the whole school against her in the space of an hour? If this was one of her bully romance novels, that would be exactly the situation she would be in. But life wasn't a book, right? Thinking of the grumpy asshole, she raised an eyebrow at Rowan.

"So, that was your brother?" she asked. Rowan let out a little laugh and rolled her eyes.

"Unfortunately," Rowan answered. "Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but Ash seems to have brought forth his special brand of asshole today. It usually only makes an appearance on odd numbered days. He's really not that bad."

"Really?" Brayden said doubtfully. She knew that Rowan obviously knew her twin brother better than most, but Ashton's hostile attitude seemed to have come too easily to be anything but natural. The guy didn't even hesitate.

"Hard to believe, I know," Rowan replied. "But Peter was right. Ashton's bark is way worse than his bite."

"So you're saying he's like a marshmallow?" Brayden asked. "Hard on the outside, and soft on the inside?"

"Oh no, he's definitely a dick," Rowan answered. "But he's usually better at hiding it."

"Perfect," Brayden muttered. "My first day of school and I've already made an enemy."

"I don't mean to be the bitch, but I doubt you even stayed on his radar after he walked away," Rowan replied.

Brayden could tell by the way Rowan was biting her lip that she really wasn't trying to offend. In all honesty, Brayden wasn't offended. She didn't want to be on the jackass's radar. She  hoped Rowan was right and that Ashton had forgotten about her. She had just met him, but she was fairly certain he was an enemy she did not want.

"I hope you're right about that," Brayden said, echoing her thoughts. "There's something about him that makes me nervous."

"Yeah, he has that effect on most people," Rowan answered, shaking her head. "Anyway, here's Headmaster Kensington's office."

In front of the girls was an intimidating set of oak wood doors. Brayden had been to her fair share of principals' offices. With every move, she had to experience a new principal's office. But there was something about this office that had her sweating bullets. Perhaps she was still reeling from her encounter with Ashton. Determined to get the guy out of her head, she turned to Rowan.

"Would it change your view of me if I asked you to come in with me?" Brayden said with a gulp. For the first time in years, she found herself wishing her mother was there, which was surprising since they didn't really have that type of relationship.

"It wouldn't change my view, but Headmaster Kensington would never allow it," Rowan answered honestly, putting a hand on Brayden's shoulder reassuringly. "You'll be fine. Look for me at lunch when you're finished."

Brayden nodded nervously and Rowan gave her an encouraging smile before walking away, her brown hair swishing behind her. Brayden wasn't so nervous that she didn't see a few guys following Rowan with their eyes. It looks like that Peter guy has competition, she thought to herself. She straightened her shoulders and knocked confidently.

"Come in," an authoritative voice called out.

Brayden took a deep breath and stepped through the doors. She didn't know what she had been expecting when she entered the office, but it certainly wasn't the man she was seeing. The other headmasters she'd met at her former schools were either tall and gruff, who would tell her that shenanigans would not be tolerated in their schools. Or they would be short and portly who acted like they were her grandfather. No matter what type she'd encountered in the past, the headmaster had always been on the older side. But Headmaster Kensington surprised her.

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