Chapter 3: Pave Hawk Down

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Location: Beacon Dorms, Beacon Academy

Personnel ID: Floyd Salem, James Perez

Date: 6/28/2030

Time: 0700

The alarm in RWBY's room started to go off as they woke up.

Ruby: *Yawn* Good morning Team RWBY!

Yang: Morning Ru-

Blake: Shhh, look.

Yang looked under her bunk.

Yang: What is it Blake?

Blake then pointed to the corner of the room.

Everyone looked at where she pointed to see James spread out like a star fish, asleep while on top of him was Floyd who was also like a starfish, but facing another direction as he snored out loud.

Weiss: What kind of-

Weiss was then cut off from the sound of a stifled laugh from above. 

Ruby: Look at them!

Floyd then started to stir awake as he flipped over, facing the ceiling before sitting up, eyes still shut, mumbling loud enough for RWBY to hear.

Floyd: Buh... sorry... Captain... Specialist Floyd Salem... re...porting... for... for duty!

Weiss: 'Wait... Specialist!?'

However, with the now deadweight on James moving around, it started to wake him up.

James: Ugh.... Specialist, I swear to God if you're on me, you're doing a lap around the base....

Weiss: 'So this... man? Boy? He's seems to be the same age as us, is a Specialist!? But why is he here and not in Atlas...? And why is he a prisoner...?'

Ruby: So... what do we do with them?

Location: Patch, Vale

Time: 0731

On the small island of Patch was Dillan and the remnants of Fox Team as the rest scouted out Vacuo's deserts.

The remnants of Fox Team were Dillan, Riley, Vincent, Wei-Lin, Jared, Denny, and Emitt.

Dillan: This is Fox 1-1 to TOC, we have reached the designated ESG, Ranger landing zone, how copy?

TOC: We read you 1-1, Rangers, SEAL's and the ESG will be arriving in about an hour, prepare the landing zone, over.

Dillan: Copy that TOC, 1-1 out.

Dillan turned around to see Fox Team more specifically Denny, messing with Jared's wings as the rest watch in amusement.

Jared: C-can you n-not touch them!

Denny: But Jerry! It's so fluffy!

Jared: D-Den! Th-ey're sensitive!

Denny: It can't be that bad!

Jared then let out a small moan only Denny could hear as she jumped away.

Riley: You alright Brooklyn?

Denny: Y-yeah! T-totally!

Wei-Lin: Are you sure?

Denny: Ye-

Dillan: Men!

Fox Team then looked over at Dillan.

Foxes: Yes sir!?

Dillan: We're to establish a landing zone for the Ranger's and SEAL's.

Foxes: Yes sir!

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