{Chapter 111}

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Six months later:

Catheline's POV:

I was busy recording every moment of my life ever since I realized I was pregnant. This was mostly for my husband, who had missed out on all these wonderful events.

It wasn't his fault though. He was too busy making his way through the land and we received reports that they were closer to the army's camp than they were before. The frequency of his writing decreased as the distance between us grew larger. His last letter queried about me and our child's health.

Things have changed for me too. A few months ago, I finally decided to acquire two people; a midwife and a lady-in-waiting. Hilan Corrignton recommended one person and I couldn't help but say yes. The royal document with my seal was sent to the Sunster's residence.

Gabriel managed to find a trustworthy woman to assist me during the gestation. Laura, a kind person in her forties was chosen. She was short, plump, and always had this look of panic on her face whenever she neared me.

More and more people began finding out about my pregnancy. And all of them were excited. I wanted this to remain a secret. At least until the child in me was stable enough to not be harmed.

"How well do you feel?" Lord Hilan asked while we were having dinner.

I gave him a polite shrug, biting into a muffin. "Just a bit dizzy at times. Laura recommends that I do it more often. And she never forgets to mention how painful giving birth is."

He began laughing. "Because you ask her so."

We've been having these dinners because I didn't feel good sitting alone. He had been providing rather entertaining stories that I was fond of.

"Do you remember when Xander was born?" I asked eagerly. "Was he a noisy child or a quiet one?"

"A bit of a both," he admitted. "Though he almost always stayed quiet whenever his mother held him. I could say the King was rather calm when he was younger."

I leaned back, pressing my hands against my belly. "I wish he was here though."

It was my silly emotions that took over. Hilan was used to this by now and offered a sympathetic smile.

"I want him to witness the birth of our child," I sighed, looking at the distance. "He might regret his absence in the future."

"We all know what he's fighting for, Your Grace," he uttered calmly. "All those men out there do too. The war is getting too close. The battle can happen anytime now."

I nodded absentmindedly as my child kicked once. And then again. Almost as a reassurance. I hugged my stomach and decided to change the topic.

"He wants a daughter," I smiled. It was soothing to imagine Xander and our little girl forming an inseparable team.

"In the present circumstances, a male heir is promising," the man replied calmly. "There will be more opportunities shortly to have a daughter."

I agreed with him. Yes, it was for the best. I decided that today's chat was enough. When I exited the chamber, I spotted two people ready to escort me back to my chambers.

Merline Sunster greeted me with a smile before looping my arm around hers. Gillian on the other hand was holding her pet dog, Mara. I chuckled before rubbing her head softly while it wagged its tail.

"Straight to bed?" she inquired. "Laura has something she wants you to see, Your Grace. If you would like, we can go there first."

I gave her a nod. "I want to see them," and then I turned to Gillian. "Do you know where the girls are?"

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