Twenty-Seven: Savior in Scrubs

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Tatum couldn't stop thinking about her Mom. She was exhausted as she sat on the chair in her office, watching as Brady pedaled on the stationary bike. She could barely focus, honestly. She just stuck him on there twenty minutes ago and hadn't even thought about taking him off for another exercise. She stayed up all night researching the success of heart transplants after a blood transfusion. The odds of it succeeding were better as time went on. It was nearly a year after the transfusion and odds usually got better after the first year mark. Tatum understood why they were hesitant, but her Mom was completely healthy otherwise. Between that and the lack of any other genetic conditions preventing it, the surgery should work as planned.

She hadn't heard back from Doctor Ashford. It had only been a day, but she was sure she would have heard by now if he was going to call her back. She wouldn't be surprised if she didn't hear back at all. She couldn't even blame him. If someone had called Tatum crying into the phone, she wasn't sure what she would do. It wasn't exactly a situation one could prepare for. She would just have to find a way to convince Doctor Porter and the other doctors to do the surgery. She could do that.

Brady seemed to notice her focus was elsewhere, eyebrows furrowing as he watched her zone out. Tatum knew that he was probably wondering why he was still on the bike considering she typically only used it as a warm up. Truthfully, she was too tired and stressed to focus on his plan today. She knew Brady was pushing himself harder than usual with the plan so that he could play in the next game. She had been evaluating his progress with the plan carefully over the last few days and it was likely that he would be fine to play in the next game so long as he didn't get into anymore fights.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Brady asked, nodding at her from the bike. "Something's wrong."

"Hm?" Tatum quipped, snapping from her thoughts.

"Proving my point," he continued, slowing his pedaling. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she tried quietly as she played with her fingers to try and distract herself.

He scoffed, swinging himself off the bike. "You're a horrible liar."

"Am not," Tatum denied in a soft voice, her focus barely there.

Brady bent down in front of her, looking at her intently. He took one of her hands into his own to stop her from fiddling with her fingers. His hands were warm and she instantly felt her body relax a bit. "Tatum, come on. What's going on?"

Tatum sniffed, trying to put on a good face. "It's just some stuff with my Mom."

She didn't want to get into it. Brady had enough to worry about. He was still caring for Jamie after the surgery when he could. He had a hockey career to focus on. His schedule was busy enough without her dumping her issues onto him. There was no point in worrying him. There was nothing he could do, anyway. She had to handle this herself.

"She okay?" Brady asked in concern, eyebrows knitting together.

"Mhm," she lied in a tight voice. "Just... hoping to visit her soon."

He paused, seeming unsure of overstepping as he offered, "I could go with you next time you see her, if you want. Wouldn't mind meeting her. You've met my entire family, seems right."

Tatum chuckled, shrugging. "True. Guess it's only fair."

"Let me know," Brady said tentatively, seeming to pick up on the fact that she was hesitating. She nodded briefly, trying her best to muster up a smile so that he wouldn't worry.

He had other things to deal with. Tatum didn't need to put this on him too.

She could handle it herself.

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