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Chapter 21

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With Maddie being gone to help Ethan and Maya with the delivery of their new baby, I had to stay back to handle things here. For one, missing practice wasn't an option. My coach wouldn't let me get the time off. But with Nina relying on this job to give her a live-in position, we had to speed up the moving process, so that meant spending my day unpacking boxes the movers dropped off hours ago.

I wouldn't classify myself as a misogynist, but decorating is more Maddie's thing than mine. Unpacking these boxes is useless when she more than likely will rearrange everything when she comes home, but I don't want her to be overwhelmed when she returns. Not when she has a new job that takes up the majority of her time now.

Placing the cast iron skillet in the drawer below the oven, I heave out a sigh and turn to grab another box littered across the island. There's a large window above the sink overlooking the backyard and the guest house, which Nina will be occupying for the foreseeable future. The nanny's tiny blue Prius is crammed with different objects and boxes, and just for a second, I deem myself the worst boss on the entire planet. Why didn't I supply her with movers to help?

With a box twice the size of her body, she's struggling to carry it into the guest house, attempting to hold it with one hand so she can open the front door. Cursing under my breath, I head out the back door and jog across the large yard to where she is, grabbing the box from her hands.

The box was towering over her head, so when it's in my grasp, I can finally see the look of relief on her face. "Thank you," she breathes. "That box has my grandmother's old china. I thought I was going to drop it."

"Seemed like it," I reply. The box is a little heavy, but nothing I'd struggle with. "Want me to bring it inside for you?"

"Oh, that would be great. Thank you." She opens the door for me to follow her inside. The guest house is as nice as the main house with wooden floors, white walls, and a wide, open floor plan. "You can set it on the island."

Doing as instructed, I set it down for her and examine the space. Not many boxes seem to have made their way inside yet, and the guilt in my chest continues to grow. Throughout my career, I always told myself I'd never forget where I came from, but here I am, hiring movers for Maddie and me and completely forgetting about the woman who will be taking care of our daughter.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your day," she says, tucking a loose strand falling from her bun behind her ear. "I know you're busy."

"Honestly? I'm thankful for the short reprieve. Decorating is not my thing."

Her lips tilt up into a small smile. "You don't have a knack for interior design?"

"Hardly. That's more Maddie's thing than mine."

"I'm sure you don't give yourself enough credit. You could be the next Joanna Gaines."

My eyebrows furrow together. "Who?"

When a soft laugh escapes her, I think it's the first time she hasn't been a nervous wreck around me. To be honest, it's a relief. I don't like to be treated as the famous person I am. If she's going to watch our daughter, I need her to be her true self. I want her to be relaxed with Maddie and me. Soon enough, if she stays on as long as she lets on, she'll become family, too. "Nothing." She waves her hand. "I watch too much HGTV. I'm sure when Maddie gets back from her trip she'll put her touch on this place in no time."

"You're right," I agree. "She will."

Silence forms between us, and Nina takes the hint, jerking her head to the front door. "Want to head back to the house? Izzy will probably be up from her nap soon."

I take a step back to allow her to pass by me, but my entire body freezes up when one of Nina's red-manicured hands clasps my forearm. "Thank you," she says, giving me another tentative smile. "For carrying the box inside for me. You didn't have to do that."

Almost on instinct, I pull my arm out of her grasp and keep it at my side as we make the trek back to the house side by side. A gentle touch on the arm isn't unprofessional, is it? It's a friendly gesture. Nothing more. "I did," I admit, finding my voice again. "Do you have more stuff to move in than what's in your car?"

She nods. "Yeah. I'm trying to bring a little bit at a time on my days off, but it'll get there."

"Let us rent some movers for you," I suggest. "Seriously. I don't know why we didn't think of it in the first place. If we have movers to move our things then you should too."

She tilts her chin up to look at me, shaking her head vigorously. "No way. That's too much to ask."

"You didn't ask. I'm offering."

"But—" She sighs when I hold the door open for her. "This is already too much. The guest house is beautiful. It's bigger than anything I've ever lived in before. You guys are giving me two days off a week, which is more than most nannies get, and I—"

"Nina, it's fine." We step into the kitchen and I rip open another box. "We are so grateful that you're here to help us take care of Izzy. And it's not the guest house. It's your house so long as you choose to stay here."

Her eyes linger on mine a beat too long before she says, "Okay. Thank you, Cameron. That means a lot."

"No problem. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, take the rest of the day to unpack. I have the day off. I should be watching Iz. Not you."

She gawks at me. "Are you serious?"

I practically shoo her out of the kitchen. "Completely. I highly doubt I'll be getting any decorating done today. I should be productive in some way, right?"

She cocks her head to the side. "Some would argue that you're too productive."

Now, I'm curious. "In what way?"

The look she gives me is as if I should already know the answer. "You're on every magazine and news site in the country right now. If you're not flying for games, you're doing media interviews or practicing. I've seen you when you get home from work. You're exhausted. I think taking a rest day and making time for yourself is important, too."

I snort. "Relaxing isn't in my vocabulary. It never has been."

Nina twirls the edge of her sundress between her fingers and shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe you should add it. I'm sure Maddie wouldn't complain if you asked for a massage every now and then. What girl would turn that opportunity down?"

There have been a few times when Nina has been teetering on the level of unprofessionalism, and right now, she's crossed it in my opinion with that comment. I get it, I'm a hot commodity in the media, but she didn't have to bring it up. She could have avoided this topic of conversation entirely.

Nina's cheeks flush, clearly sensing I'm offended. "N-Not that I think that, but it's just what a lot of girls say, you know? I just meant that it would be nice for you to relax every once in a while. You deserve it from all the hard work you put in."

"Thanks, Nina." I stick a thumb over my shoulder to the back door, my posture rigid and mouth set in a firm line. "Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. I'll see you tomorrow."

She twirls her fingertips around and around in front of her stomach before she gets the hint that she's no longer welcome, dipping her chin in acknowledgment and disappearing from sight.

Granted, she may not have meant it in a seductive manner, but that's how it came across to me, and she should know that kind of behavior won't be tolerated. I'm not sure how to reprimand her for it, but before I decide anything, I need to speak to Maddie about this first. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe it's just my overinflated ego thinking the woman is infatuated with me like the other ninety percent of America.

Running a palm over my face, I lean back against the countertop and release a heavy sigh. We can't afford to lose her. Not with her stellar background and experience. Did Ryan have these issues with her? I'll have to reach out and ask him.

But one thing I absolutely won't do?

Hide this interaction from my wife. 

The Final CountdownOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz