Chapter 2

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Alessandro's pov

Tring. Tring. Tring.

The alarm buzzed loudly as I sat up groaning looking at the digital clock showing, 5:25 pm of evening. I sighed hard before getting up from my bed and rushed towards the washroom to get freshen up.

Once I was done, I changed into a white shirt and black pant and a pair of black shoes. I wore my expensive rolex watch and set my hairs neatly. Later I wore my rings which I have been obsessed with since I was a teenager.

Looking at myself in mirror I smirked arrogantly knowing that my looks are something which other men envy of. Well, I know a lot of people thinks that looks doesn't matter but what's the harm in bragging when you have good looks? Nothing, right?

Shaking my head at my own thoughts, I left my room and went towards the living room where Maria, the 43 year old caretaker of my penthouse was cleaning some stuff.

"Mr Winston, do you need something?" Maria asked lowering her head a little.

"Black coffee" I said in monotone and went ahead.

When I reached the living room, Nickolas my PA was already present there and was...playing with the fishes in fish tank by knocking the glass.

What is he? Five?

Glaring at his back angrily I fake coughed a little to get his attention. Happily he turned around to look but his smile dropped when he saw me and he looked nervous and scared.

Now better.

"S... Sorry sir. I..I was j..just.."

"Playing? That's what I pay you for?" I asked sternly and all the colors from his face drained off.

"S.. Sorry sir. It w..won't h..happen again" He stammered looking down.

"It better not" I said sternly and went to sit in one of the couch whereas he was standing in a corner like a scared puppy.

"You can have a seat, Nickolas" I said in a sarcastic tone to which he nodded and instantly settled himself in a couch, away from me.


If you people are wondering that I hate Nickolas or something then you're wrong. I don't hate Nickolas. Infact, Nickolas is one of my most trusted man who I can always rely on because I know that no matter how harsh I behave, Nickolas will never backstab me. It just that he is way too cheerful for my liking. He can became happy in a matter of few seconds and whenever he get way too happy, he kinda forget that I'm his boss and not a friend. And that's why it's important for me to always remind him that I'm his BOSS.

"Sir your coffee" I heard Maria's voice to which I nodded at her and sipped my coffee.

*Deep sigh*

Oh, by the way I'm Alessandro Winston, the owner of Winston and co. and I'm half American and half Italian. My mother was american and father was Italian. My mother being an American was the only good thing related to this country and bad as well.

Because my father found and lost my mother in America itself. And I have also lost my people and a few memories in America. America has only bad things to offer me except for my mother which also I lost the day I was born. I just hate this country. If it wasn't for my father's dream, I wouldn't have never came here in past or in present. My father wanted to grow his company in America.

A little backstory. My father in his early twenties came to America with his friends for vacation and that was the time he met my mom. My dad instantly fell in love with her and soon enough they got married with both their families will. And my mom went to live with dad in Italy.

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